Chapter 7.

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*Anna's P.O.V.*

I was nervous. I really don't know why I should be nervous. I mean, I should be happy and excited. Harry's finally gonna be in town, and he's gonna be living a few doors down, we'll finally be able to spend time with each other again. But something just doesn't feel right. I feel like things aren't going to be how I imagined them.

Ugh, I think the dream I had the other morning is just messing with my head. Sigh, I think it'd be best if I just start to chant the words "I do not like Harry" in my head over and over again.

My heart started beating as fast as it possibly could as soon as I heard the doorbell. Oh my God, why am I freaking out? Why am I so damn nervous?! It's just Harry. I've done this before. Deep breath. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. You can do this Anna, he's not a monster. That's right, he's not a monster, he's handsome, and I want him to be mine, and I just wanna jum- Wait, what am I thinking?!

Girls stood behind me excitedly as I slowly opened the door. We screamed in unison, "WELCOME HOME!"

"Wow, it's so good to see you three again!" Harry said in his slow husky voice. God, he makes me melt.

"Good to see you too, Harold." Winnie chirped. She looked so adorable with her pink floral top, beige jean shorts and bunny slippers. "I've missed you, Winnie." he pulled her in for a hug.After a few seconds, he turned to me. "Where's my hug?" he pouted like a 9 year-old. "Why, I don't know, I think I forgot." I said innocently. "Oh shut up, Annabelle." he said as he pulled me in for a bone-crushing bear hug.

After pulling away from me, he turned to stare at Georgie. They both stared into each others eyes for a while before they crashed into each others arms. Winnie, the boys and I stood there awkwardly as they hugged and mumbled a few "I miss you"'s.

"Harry, aren't you gonna introduce us?" Niall spoke in his attractive Irish accent. I could see from the corner of my eyes that Winnie was about to faint. "Oh, yes! Sorry, lads." Harry apologized and continued. "You all know who these people are, and I know that you guys have been dying to meet them, so Niall, Liam, Zayn and Louis, this is Winnie, Anna and Georgie." he said pointing to each of us as he said our names.

"Hello." the three of us spoke shyly in unison. "Oh and, they're quite shy." Harry added. "Don't worry, girls. They don't bite." Harry smirked and winked as he spoke.

"Come on in, guys!" I said, breaking the silence. The boys followed us into the living room and made themseves comfortable on the two couches.

"Would you lads like something to drink?" I offered. "Sure, I'd like some sparkling water, please." Zayn shot me a warm smile. "I'll have mineral water, thanks." Liam stated. "I'd like pepsi." Louis sais excitedly. "I'll have the same." Harry nodded. "Got any beer?" Niall asked which caused the whole room to be filled with laughter. "I'm serious." he added with a straight face. "Alright, boys, coming right up." I smiled. "Would you like some chips, Niall?" Winnie offered. "Yeah, sure! Thanks, Winnie." he replied cheerfully.

I think Winnie must be hyperventillating right now. She had a thing for Niall, and the fact tha he remembered her name must be killing her right now. She must be fangirling on the inside! Although, I'm pretty surprised we didn't scream in their face in total fangirl mode when they arrived.

"Here you go boys, one sparkling water, one mineral water, two pepsi's, and one beer." I said as I kept the tray of drinks on the coffee table. "And also, here are your chips, Niall!" Winnie chirped. "Thanks." Niall grinned at her.

"So, Anna, this your house, and since you're the host, what're we gonna do after this?" Zayn asked in his deep Bradford accent. "Hmm, good question, I thought we'd all watch a movie, you guys can choose." I smiled. "Alright then, lads. Let's choose a movie." he turned to look at the boys.

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