Chapter 23.

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*Anna's P.O.V.*

Now that the weekend was over, I had to brace myself for another horrendous week of school. The worst part is, I'd have to face him.

I wasn't ready to face him, not now. I reckon I'll never be ready. I might do something stupid, like forgive him. Like I always do.

But what if he figures it all out? My behaviour, it's gonna give it away. He'll know, and he'll never forgive me. Neither will Georgie. I'll hurt them, one way or another. But lying to them and pretending to be happy would hurt me. Hurting myself is always better.

I turned in my bed to look at the clock on one of my bedroom walls. I'm up 20 minutes later than my usual routine. Perfect.

Lazily going about my morning routine, I scrambled out of my house with 10 minutes left for first period to begin. My plan was working. I internally smirked at myself as I casually walked to school, like I owned the place and being late wouldn't be a problem at all.

Upon reaching the two big doors that led to the hallways containing numerous lockers, I looked at my wrist watch and saw that there were 3 minutes remaining for first period. I internally groaned. English class was very close to my locker, I'd have to face everyone.

I slowly shuffled my feet towards my locker and opened it, hoping nobody saw me, not even Winnie. I hated worrying her like this, but it was best that I made no human contact at all. At least for now.

As I searched my locker for the appropriate books, I heard the low, raspy voice that I despised and loved at the same time. Shivers ran down my spine, and tears formed in my eyes at the same time. Curses.

"Hi, Anna." he spoke, as I turned to the sound of his voice, hoping I wouldn't look at his beautiful face and let out a sniffle. I took in all of his lovely features. Sparkling green eyes, brown curly hair, pink and plump, kissable lips. Do not sniffle. Do not sniffle. Do not sniffle. Do not sniffle, you bitch! I kept repeating those words in my head, taking in a deep breath.

"Hi." I said, after a while. Wow, that took a really long while. "Look, we need to talk-" he started, before the bell rang, cutting him off. "I've got to go." was all I said as I gathered my books quickly and slammed my locker door before running off to class.

That was close. Way too close. I swear I could've started crying then and there and let everything out. That would've been so bad.

"Hey," Kim - an acquintance - whispered from beside me as I took my seat. "I heard about Harry and Georgie last night! They're just so gorgeous together, I totally ship them." she whispered, her voice getting all squeaky. I discreetly rolled my eyes. "Great." I replied. "They're a perfect couple! It would be even more perfect if Winnie started dating Niall, they're adorable together. Gosh, they could go on double dates and stuff like that. Those four would be together forever, they'd be the best couples in this entire school!" she exclaimed.

An uneasy feeling swept over me as I heard her say those words. She was right. Harry and Georgie belong with each other, and soon enough Winnie and Niall would start dating. They'd be doing all kinds of stuff together. I'd be kicked out of the picture without even trying. I didn't belong with them.

I quickly ran out of the classroom and into the girls' washroom. Running into the nearest stall and locking the door behind me, I pulled my hair back and let it all out.

Hot tears ran down my face as I felt helpless. I'd never felt so alone in my life before. I guess life was putting me back in my place. Somewhere I belong.

Kim's words kept replaying in my head. I cried harder and at the same time faught my tears as I realized that there was nothing I could do to change the inevitable. No matter what I do, it would all blow up in my face. Maybe it'd be best to simply stay out of their lives and save them the trouble.

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