Chapter 22.

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  • Dedicated to All swifties out there because it's chapter 22! :)

*Anna's P.O.V.*

I woke up to the sound of my phone vibrating incessantly. What kind of shithead keeps an alarm on the weekend? I slowly opened my eyes, realizing that I'd fallen asleep against my front door.

My back hurt horribly as I reached for my annoying asshole of a phone. It wasn't an alarm, it was a call, from Georgie. I groaned and threw my phone across the room, hoping it wouldn't break. I'm really not in the mood for her apologies right now. No matter how much of a "bestfriend" she is, she lied to me, and I don't know what to feel.

I lifelessly walked around my house, shutting all the blinds and curtains in all of the rooms. I didn't want Conor to be spying on me, I can't deal with his bullshit right now.

After completing my task, I walked towards my kitchen and looked around for food. Not being bothered to cook anything, or wanting to eat anything, I poured myself a cup of cold coffee and headed upstairs to my room.

As I walked past my mirror, I stopped in my tracks and looked at myself. I was a mess. I still had the same clothes on from last night, and makeup was smeared all over my face. I looked like crap. No wonder Harry never liked me more than a friend, he probably thought that I was hideous and friend-zoned me the minute I'd met him.

I threw on a pair of sweats and an oversized t-shirt and drank up all of my coffee. I wasn't going to cry. I repeatedly told myself that as I started playing COD on my Xbox 360, in an attempt to block out all of my silly feelings.

Crying will just make me feel worse. How's it going to help anyway? I'll end up feeling sorry for myself, what good is that going to do? Harry'll never be mine, I just have to accept that, move on and get over him.

I'll just cut when I feel like crying, and ignore every single person in my life if I have to, it's that simple. No people, no conversation, no feelings.

*Winnie's P.O.V.*

I awoke to a warm bed with two strong arms around me. I struggled to remember the events of last night, but I was positive that Niall was the one asleep next to me.

"Morning, beautiful." an Irish accent rang through my ears. Niall. "Morning, babe." I replied, smiling at him. "No kiss? What's wrong? It's not morning breath, so don't bother saying that." he asked, pulling me closer to him. "I don't know, really. Something just doesn't feel right." I mumbled. "Is it about last night?" he inquired, and it all came rushing back. Harry and Georgie, Louis storming off, Anna abruptly leaving, Liam becoming sad and confused because she said she'd leave alone. That was some serious shit.

"No, I'm actually happy for them. But I'm worried about all of them." I replied. "Why don't you call Hazza, Georgie and Anna? I'll call Li, Lou and Zayn." Niall suggested. "Alright," I agreed.

I hopped out of bed and pulled out my phone, going to my contacts list and calling Georgie as I walked into the kitchen.

"Hello?" I heard a croaky voice after a few beeps. "Georgie, are you okay?" I asked sincerely. "I'm fine." she whispered. Her voice sounded like she'd been crying for hours. "No, you're not." I whispered too. "It's all my fault. I was being so selfish." she cried. "Stop blaming yourself, Georgie. It's not your fault, trust me. Everyone just needs to get used to it, they're all very confused. They'll come around, just give them some time." I cooed, hoping to make her feel better. "Alright. Thanks for calling, Winnie." she said, sounding a little more calm. "Can you talk to Harry for me? Make sure he's okay." I said. "Alright, I will. Talk to you later." she replied. "Talk to you later, take care babe." I said, cutting the phone.

Since Georgie was going talk to Harry, I decided to call him later and call Anna now instead. I called her cell, but there was no answer. I tried a couple more times only to receive no answer. I was really starting to get worried and decided to leave her a text.

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