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~A few years later~

*Anna's P.O.V.*

 I walked through the streets of New York on my way home from work, listening to music. Suddenly an old song started to play. It felt as if I'd been obsessed with that song just yesterday. Before I knew it, all the memories associated with that song came rushing back; Liam, Harry, Georgie, Winnie, Niall, Louis, Eleanor, Zayn, Perrie. I wondered how they were doing now.

Liam and I never worked out, and he's been with Sophia ever since I left for the States; I guess they're still together. Winnie moved to Ireland for college and lives with Niall; they're happy as can be, but at least we talk on Skype every day. Harry and Georgie are still together, living in London together. Lou and El are enjoying being engaged; just like Zayn and Perrie did. Last, but not the least, Zerrie finally got married last year, the ceremony was beautiful, and that was the last time I saw all of them in person.

I climbed up the stairs in my building and opened the door to my apartment. I sighed in relief as I saw a note from my roommate saying that she won't be back till tomorrow.

I changed into my comfy pj's and dashed for my bed, tired from a long morning of work. To my surprise, I started to fall asleep without thinking much.

~Later that evening~

I awoke to the sound of my doorbell and wondered if I'd slept too long. I shuffled out of my bed and towards the front door while fixing my hair. I rubbed my eyes and looked at the time before opening the door. I wondered who'd be at my door seeing as I'd slept just for 3 hours.

I opened the door to someone completely unexpected. I blinked my eyes a couple of times to make sure I wasn't dreaming. It was Harry. Harry Edward Styles. The boy whom I hadn't seen in over a year. I didn't know what to say, but neither did he, so he just smiled. I simply stepped aside and let him in.

"So, what brings you to New York, Harold?" I asked groggily. 

"I just wanted to talk to you, like old times." he said with a small smile. "Sure, like old times." I said without showing any emotion. "How have you been?" he asked. "Good, really good. What about you?"  "Fantastic," he paused. "But, I miss you." "I miss you too, Haz." I whispered. "I miss hanging out with you like this, just the two of us." he said, looking down at his shoes. I didn't know what to say. I felt like if I told him or asked him what I really wanted to, it'd start a fight between us.

"Is it alright if we go out for a walk?" he asked, after what seemed like an eternity of silence. "Sure, I'll just grab my phone." I said, getting up.

"So, how's working at the bakery again like?" I asked as we walked down the stairs. "Working at the bakery again feels nice, even though it's temporary." he replied. "It looks like New York is treating you well." he said, grinning. "It is; it's like a dream come true." I said. "It literally is. This was all you talked about when we were teenagers, and now you have it all. You're a lucky girl, Anna." he said. "I guess so." I said, looking at my shoes. "You really are lucky, I mean it." he said, looking at me. "I don't feel that lucky, though." I said, still looking down. "Why is that?" he asked. "It may seem like I have it all, but in reality, I don't. There's still so much missing in my life." I replied. "You can either fight for it, or learn to live without it." he said. "I've learned to live without it. But, I'm not so sure I'm doing a very good job at that. Then again, it's a lonely life, right?" I said. "Indeed. But, eventually, you'll find someone to make it less lonely. You just gotta be patient." he said, walking into a coffee shop.

As we sat down, I somehow felt like a teenager again. I hate how he made me feel like that, and I wish I could punch him. But, no matter what, I knew deep inside in my heart that I still loved him. Not in the romantic way, but, I loved him, as a person who understood me completely, knew all my flaws and fears, treated me like crap sometimes without even realizing, and somehow, stood by me in an unspeakable way. Whatever said and done, he was one of those people that you can never forget, and those who stick around throughout your whole life, even if you haven't talked to them for months.

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