Chapter 17.

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*Harry's P.O.V.*

I woke up and took in my surroundings. It felt nice to be home, in my room, in my own bed and knowing that I was gonna be here for a while.

I'd really missed Holmes Chapel, and all my friends here. I never thought I'd say this, but I actually miss school. Too bad this is my last year.

I feel so bad for Anna though, she was really looking forward to being in the same class as me, she'd always wanted the both of us to be in the same class. I really need to talk to her and remind her of how truly sorry I am, because she's the kind of people who forgive easily, but are still hurt on the inside. I can't believe I, of all people, hurt her. I should probably punch myself.


I sat on Anna's bed as I watched her draw something in her little scrapbook.

"Whatchyu drawing, Annnnaaaa?" I said in a kiddish voice, trying to get her to look at me. "Nothing," she mumbled without looking up, still furiously drawing some shapes and figures that I couldn't figure out. I need to know what she's drawing.

"Tell me, Anna!" I whined. "It's nothing! Okay?!" she snapped, turning around to look at me.

Her features immediately softened as she looked at my startled expression and realised what she'd done.

"I-I'm sorry, Haz. I didn't mean to say it like tha-" she started, but I cut her off, "You don't have to explain, just tell me what's wrong." I patted the empty space next to me.

She slowly shuffled towards me and sat down on her bed.

I looked at her with questioning eyes as she hesistated to speak. "Tell me. Doesn't matter what it is." I said, putting my arm around her and rubbing her shoulder.

"It-It's Conor." she whispered. I tensed up as she said his name.

Conor and I used to be friends, we still kind of are, but he complicates things with Anna way too much, and I hate him for that.

"What did he do?" I said, trying to be calm. "Harry, please don't, please don't hurt him." she pleaded, fighting back the tears threatening to fall out of her eyes. "Anna, I swear to God, if he hurt you, he will be sorry!" I said, almost yelling. "Haz, you don't understand. I think I-I love him." she sniffled. "Let me guess, he doesn't even like you back?" "No," she said, trying not to cry. "That doesn't give him a reason to hurt you, Anna." I growled. "Please, Haz, don't hurt him." she pleaded, a few tears spilling out of her eyes.

As much as I hated Conor for making Anna cry right now, I knew that punching him would make Anna feel worse, so I decided to try my best and keep calm.

"Look, if he, or any other guy for that matter, hurts you again, I want you to tell me, I don't care who he is, or how much you love him, you don't deserve to be treated this way. You deserve better, Anna." I said, wiping away the tears from her face.

~End of flashback~

Suddenly, my thoughts were interrupted as I felt my phone buzz from underneath my pillow.

I picked up without looking at the caller id and cleared my throat before speaking into the phone, "Hello?"

"Harry! It's Austin." A very familiar voice spoke.

"Hey man, what's up?"

"Lad, there's a party at my place next weekend before school starts, and there's also a surprise for you, tell everyone you know and bring 'em along."

"Alright, thanks man, see ya."

"See ya."

Dang, I can't miss Austin's party, he's a good friend. I guess the dinner plans with the boys, Anna and Winnie will just have to be pushed forward to next weekend, I hope the boys aren't busy.

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