chapter 1

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Elenor was a 15 year old girl with long wavy hair and blue eyes. she was 5,5 and was quite tall for her age and it felt like forever since she had been at the camp for children who gained special powers. Every day was the same, she got up, got breakfast, did whatever job was given to her by the soldiers at the camp, had lunch, continued to work, had dinner, and was brought back to her room before her curfew at 10pm and the day would repeat again.

Today, she was given the task to rebuild parts of the camp which had been destroyed by fire caused by some reds. That was one reason why reds were terminated, they were dangerous. Well according to the soldiers they were. But to Elenor, they were not dangerous. She should know, seeing she was also a red. But she isn't just a red, she was all the colors and more. She was never sorted into a colour because they didn't know what to sort her into, seeing she had all the different powers and one more, superhuman speed. She was supposed to be terminated but luckily she had her mind control powers to help her.

She used her telekinesis powers to make the bricks float in the air while she spread concrete and she slowly let the brick in the air land on the concrete. She would have used her super speed if it didn't blow her cover. She did this a few more times while letting herself go into a dreamlike state, and her daydreaming brought her back to the day she was taken into camp.


It was any other ordinary day, Elenor and her mom and dad were baking in the kitchen. They did this every friday night, like a family bonding session, after her dad came back for work, ever since she could remember. After they placed the pizza into the oven, they headed out to the living room and sat on the sofa and watched some television. After 20min, they could hear a "ding" coming from the oven.

"I'll get it!" Elenor got up and ran into kitchen using her super speed, yup, her parents knew about her powers, but they didn't mind that she had them, they weren't going to give up their daughter to the government because her father worked for the government and he knew the government couldn't be trusted.

Elenor happily took out the pizza using her telekinesis powers and plated the pizza. she happily brought the pizza out to the living room but dropped the plate in shock at what she saw. Her parents were tied up with cloths covering their mouths, soldiers were standing on each side, guarding her parents. A soldier, which Elenor assumed was the head of the guards, walked up to her.

Her eyes glowed black in colour and she used her telekinesis powere to throw the guard backwards towards the TV which caused the other guards to stand guard, ready to attack. She then directed her attacks on the other guards, flinging them both to either sides of the room, smashing a few items that were in the room.

She was about to run towards her parents to free them but one guard grabbed her from behind, restricting her movements. The guard placed a magic-restricting bracelet, stopping her from being able to use her powers. She thrashed and kicked around, trying to get free but to no avail. She felt a needle poke into her neck and felt her eyes grew heavy after that. She did her best to stay awake but she couldn't fight the drowsiness and soon fainted in the guards arms. The last thing she heard was her parents muffled screams, calling for her name.


Elenor woke up to the sound of machines wirling. She looked around, confused as to where she was. She recognised that she was sitting on a patient's chair and she was in a room with medical equipment. She saw a doctor in front of the computer screen, typing something down.

"is this the hospital?" Elenor asked the doctor curiously.

"You're finally awake. Name?" the doctor asked. Eleanor just stared at him, not wanting to say anything.

"Your name, young lady." He pressed on. Elenor decided to give in and tell him

"Elenor Rosefeld" she told him. He just flipped through a stack of papers on the clipboard he was holding.

"I don't feel sick" she said with an annoyed tone. She was still wondering why she was taken to this place, she just wanted to go home to her parents.

"actually it's not the sickness, you survived the sickness, but you're different" She rolled her eyes, of course she knew she was different.

"You are gonna stay here until you are cured" Elenor's eyes widened.

"no you can't keep me here!!! I want to go home!!" Tears started to form in her eyes as she couldn't imagine what it would be like without her parents.

"You'll get to go home once you're cured" The doctor told her and she relaxed a bit, believing the doctor.

"So, when you were picked up, were you assigned a colour?" The doctor asked and Elenor raised one of her eyebrow, as if saying, "I was drugged, what do you think?" and anyways, she didn't know what he meant by colour.

"Right, I'll just have to assign you a colour myself." The doctor explained.

"Colour?" Elenor asked curiously.

"Yes." The doctor got up from his seat to a chart that was pinned up on the wall. the chart had a triangle on it with the colours orange, red, yellow, blue and green.

"All kids are given a colour assignment that corresponds to their disorder. On the bottom here," he points to the green part on the triangle.

"greens. basic enhanced intelligence." He moved his finger to the blue part of the triangle, which was just above the green part.

"blues, telekinetic abilities." he explained and moved on to the yellow part of the triangle, above the blue.

"Golds can manipulate electricity." he explained.

"but ones up here," he pointed at the red and orange colour part of the triangle

"are the most dangerous. reds and oranges. but they are very rare. I'm sure you have nothing to worry about. " he explained as he took a seat back on his chair.

"I heard you used telekinesis so you're most likely in the blue territory. and that's not so terrible." Elenor could hear the whirling sound of the machine starting up and a red laser plus sign appeared on her forehead, reading her brain.

After a few minutes, the machine gave a reading, "Unknown: terminate immediately"

The doctor's eyes widened and grew worried.

"It will be ok, we can fix this." Elenor's eyes grew wider as she saw the doctor taking a needle and bringing it towards her. The doctor rushed to her getting a hold of her and Elenor struggled to stop him from injecting the needle. He was about to stick the needle in her neck when her eyes glowed black. The doctor stopped trying to inject the needle and stood in a trance.

"I'm just a blue, I have telekinesis power."

"Yes" The doctor said and went over to his computer and started typing things down, changing her "unknown" status to "blue"

"You are a blue" He called for a guard to come in.

"She's a blue" He told the guard and the guard nodded his head.

"come on" The guard signaled for Elenor to come with him and she hurriedly followed him. He led her to one of the dorm rooms and told her she will be living there from now on. There wasn't anyone else in the dorm room so she had it all to herself.

That was how her life at camp started, where she will live for a very long time.

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