chapter 18

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Elenor had tears as she got back her last memory. She looked at Katie and hugged her tightly.

"I remember, I remember everything." Elenor said through tears.

"you don't know how long I've waited for this moment. Every day I wished that I could see you again. I actually went back to our house when Clancy and I broke out, but you weren't there and I figured you were captured and I have been worried about you ever since. and when you found this camp, I was so glad to see that you were safe." Katie said with a smile as they pulled away.

"I can't believe it, you're my sister, I have an older sister." Elenor said in disbelief.

"you better believe it sis, and I'm not letting you go ever again." Katie said and Elenor smiled widely.

"it's pretty late, you should get some rest, tomorrow we'll be training again." Katie told her and Elenor smiled and waved goodbye to Katie and went back to her cabin.

Katie went back to her computer and started typing on her keyboard and heard the door open and Clancy walked in and sat down across her.

"are we ready?" Clancy asked as he opened a group chat.

"we're ready." Katie smirked and opened the same group chat.

"it's crop time" Clancy texted.

"26 blues, 56 greens, 12 golds." Katie texted.

"and one orange. but no one touches her but me." Clancy typed.

"and one black. but no one hurt her. she's my sister and I'll deal with her." Katie added and both of them waited for a response.

"understood." someone texted back after a few minutes and Katie and Clancy closed their tab and looked at each other and nodded.


"so? why did Katie call you in?" Ruby asked as she climbed up to her bed.

"well, she wanted to tell me something." Elenor told her friends.

"What did she tell you?" Liam asked.

"She said we were sisters" Elenor smiled.

"what?! that's so cool!" Ruby exclaimed.

"wait but why didn't she say anything earlier? and how come you didn't recognise her?" Liam asked.

"she wanted me to trust her before giving me the information. and she said she had erased my memories because I had a hard time letting her go" Elenor explained.

"For a green, you sure took a long time to figure that out." Chubs teased.

"hey that's because I wasn't giving it much thought. plus, you didn't figure that out too!" Elenor retorted.

"actually I did." Chubs said.

"what? and you decided not to tell me because?"

"It was just a guess! and you wouldn't believe me if I did tell you." Chubs told her and he had a point.

"I'm happy you were reunited with your sister." Liam said with a smile and Elenor smiled back. The 5 of them laid on their pillows and talked for a while before going to bed.


The next few days, Elenor and Katie spent more time together, training together and getting to know each other more, to make up for the years they were separated. Elenor felt so happy to be back with her sister, she felt safe around her and would do anything for her. whenever they weren't training or hanging out, she would hang out with Liam and it was the best, she couldn't believe he was her boyfriend and no one else's.

One night, Elenor and Liam were out in the woods going back to the compound when suddenly, they saw Ruby coming towards them with tears in her eyes.

"hey hey hey, are you okay? what happened" Elenor stopped Ruby in her tracks and asked.

"just leave me alone." Ruby told her.

"no, we're going to leave until you tell us what happened. who did this to you?" Elenor tried to calm Ruby down by hugging her but Ruby just shoved her.

"I told you guys to leave me alone!" Ruby said with angry tears.

"hey we're just trying to help." Liam told her. Ruby got annoyed and took both their hands and her eyes glowed orange as she showed Liam and Elenor her memory of her and Clancy and that made Elenor so angry. not only angry at Clancy for doing that to Elenor but also angry at him for doing this to Katie. How could he?!

"I'm gonna kill him." Liam said with determination in his voice.

"and I will bury the body. how could he do this to you and Katie?!" Elenor said with anger. Both of them took off towards the compound but Ruby stopped them.

"guys let's just leave." Ruby said with tears in her eyes. Liam and Elenor looked at each other and nodded.

"let's go get the others." Liam said as the 3 of them walked back to their cabin. Once they got there, Liam started packing their bags and Elenor gently woke Zu as Ruby woke Chubs up.

"woah woah woah did I miss something?" Chubs asked.

"we're leaving." Ruby told Chubs.

"It's about damn time!" Chubs exclaimed. Elenor carried Zu down from the ladder and everyone grabbed their bags and got out of the cabin. Liam led the group out and into a big tent.

"through here. this way is not guarded." Liam said as he and the others went into the big tent. They were walking through when suddenly all the lights turned on. Ruby stood protectively in front of Zu and everyone else stood in a fighting pose as soldiers came out of their hiding spot and pointed their guns at them.

"look who's here. our little fugitive." the commander of the other soldiers came out and gave a smirk at Ruby.

"get out of here!" Liam yelled as he used his powers to hold the soldier in the air. there was no way Elenor was leaving without him. She stood ready to fight the soldiers with him but he suddenly let go and stumbled back and stood in a trance.

"Liam?" Elenor asked as she went up to him.

"Liam come on, we have to go." Chubs came up to Liam and shook him.

"He can't hear you." That voice.. no it can't be.

Clancy and Katie walked from behind the shadows and smirked. No way. they were with them? Elenor looked at them, shocked. She couldn't believe what she was seeing.


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