chapter 6

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The next day, the 4 of them decided to find Jack's parents and give them the letter. While driving to the place, they had the radio turned on and the 3 of them sang to the songs played on the radio and it was so much fun. When they got to the street Jack used to live, Elenor and Chubs decided to bring Jack's parents his letter while Zu and Liam stayed in the van in case of anything.

"How are we going to tell them their son died?" Elenor asked.

"We'll just hand them the letters. We shouldn't converse with them." Chubs told her and she agreed.

As they got closer to the house, they saw a man sitting on the porch, smoking. They assumed he was Jack's dad and walked up the path to the house. They barely got to the house when the man stood up.

"Who are you?! what do you want? You children should know better than to come up to my house" the man said and pointed his gun at the 2.

"We're just here to give you something." Chubs told him and the man glared at him.

"I don't want anything from you 2" The man said and fired his gun at the 2 of them. Elenor pushed Chubs to the side to avoid the gunshot. The man kept firing his gun and Elenor used her superspeed to speed over to Chubs to help him up. Elenor took the letters from her pocket and threw it on the ground because it would have been what Jack wanted, for his parents to get his letters.

She then grabbed Chubs and sped out of there, ignoring the pain she got from getting shot. She looked over at Chubs and saw that he too got shot in the side of his stomach and hoped that he wouldn't die.

Elenor sped to the van and when Liam saw the 2 of them bleeding, he got worried and quickly got out of the van and ran up to them and helped them walk to the back of the van. Zu opened the back door as they all got in and sat down.

"Help Chubs, I can handle myself." Elenor told Liam and he nodded.

"Zu, turn around, don't watch this." Elenor instructed for zu to turn around because she didn't want her to see the blood and Zu listened and turned around.

"what happened?" Liam asked worriedly as he used his telekinesis to pull the bullet out of his stomach and Chubs groaned. Elenor also used her telekinesis to take out the bullet in her thigh. It hurt badly and she bit her lips to stop herself from screaming.

"The man shot us!! we were doing something nice for him and how does he return the favour? by shooting us!" Chubs exclaimed in annoyance. Elenor took out the first aid kit she had taken from the store the day before and took some bandages out and gave it to Liam to help Chubs wrap it on his wound. She also took a roll for herself and bandaged her wound.

"that's the last time I do something nice for an adult." Elenor stated. Once they finished treating their wound, they let Zu turn around and Zu rushed to Elenor and hugged her and looked at her and Chubs worriedly.

"Don't worry Zu, we're fine, it will heal in a few weeks." Elenor smiled reassuringly. She turned to Chubs.

"You alright?" She asked him.

"I am, thanks to you. I would have been a goner if you didn't use ur superspeed to get us out of there." Chubs smiled and Elenor smiled back. Liam went over to Elenor and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"I am so glad you didn't get killed." Liam smiled at her and she smiled back at him.

"Let's get out of here." Liam said as he climbed to the front and started to drive out of the neighborhood.

The next few months, the 4 of them drove around, moving from one place to one place, exploring the world. It's also because they didn't want to get caught by lady Jane, who they discovered was capturing them to sell them to the US government for money. They also found out that they had made more camps for the kids and there were tracers who might try to capture them and bring them back to camp. So they have to drive around everywhere.

Even though they had to travel most of the time, it was still better than getting stuck at camp, doing whatever they want. They get to travel and explore the world and Elenor even got to learn how to drive betty, who was named by Chubs, because Liam thought it would be a great idea to have another driver in the group so that he wouldn't get too tired from driving. They would take turns driving betty around. Not only that, Elenor and Chubs took turns teaching Zu math because she's young and needed to be taught a few things.

Elenor couldn't be more grateful to have the group of friends she had right now. She missed Jack a lot and wished he was here but they kept his ashes with them so it felt like he was here with them. She and Liam have also taken chances to hang out alone sometimes and Elenor felt a different kind of happiness when she's with Liam. She felt safe with him and felt loved by him. Liam too felt a different kind of happiness whenever he's around Elenor, she had always been kind and caring towards him ever since he was brought to camp and he was so grateful to have someone like her. They never made it offical between them but it didn't matter to Elenor because she just felt happy spending time with Liam and she knew he liked her as much as she liked him.

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