chapter 15

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When Elenor woke up, it was already night time. She looked around and saw that everyone was gone and thought they had gone outside. She got out of bed and stretched before going out of the cabin.

She walked around and saw that there was a bonfire party and went over and sat down on the log available on the ground. She saw many kids dancing on the dance floor and having fun and Elenor smiled, happy to see kids being kids. She looked around to find her friends but they weren't around and she wondered where they were.

Suddenly, a girl came up to her and sat next to her. She turned and saw that it was Katie. Katie smiled at her and she smiled back.

"Enjoying the bonfire?" Katie asked as she looked at the kids dancing.

"It's really nice to see kids be kids you know? They are finally free from the government and are able to be what they want to be." Elenor said as she turned back to watch the kids.

"I get that feeling. you know, when me and Clancy started this compound, we never thought that so many kids would join so fast, but look at us now, there are so many kids here and free." Katie explained and Elenor smiled.

"where's Clancy?" Elenor asked.

"oh he's just doing some work. He'll come down later." Katie explained and Elenor nodded her head.

"so, do you have any family?" Elenor asked, wanting to get to know Katie more.

"I do, I had parents and even a half sister, I remember spending a lot of time with my family, and it was the best, my adoptive father treated me like his own child, and my mom is best mom I could ever ask for, and love my sister so much, but it all changed when my biological father took me away from my family, he was a close friend of Clancy's father so he agreed to let scientists experiment on me, to find a cure for all of us. That's how I met Clancy, we were placed in the same holding cell and we would get experimented together. we would comfort each other and we were determined to get out together and when we did, he asked me to be his girlfriend and we started this compound. I never knew what happened to my sister, but I know that she's safe." Elenor felt bad for Katie, she has been through so much and she gave Katie a hug. Katie was surprised but smiled and hugged back.

"I'm sure you'll find your sister someday." Elenor told her. Her sister might be able to find this compound and they would be reunited.

"why aren't you with your friends?" Katie asked.

"I don't know where they went." Elenor explained.

"I'm sure they will be back." Katie smiled.

"hey Elenor, tomorrow, why don't you meet me in the office, I'll teach you some tricks you can do with your powers." Katie told Elenor smiled and nodded her head, excited to properly train in using her powers. Just then, Liam came forward. Katie stood up and said goodbye to Elenor before walking away.

"what did she want?" Liam asked while taking a seat.

"we were just getting to know each other." Elenor smiled and leaned her head on Liam's shoulder.

"where were you?" Elenor asked.

"I was just wandering around, exploring the place." Liam explained and Elenor hummed in response.

"This place seems nice. I like it here." Elenor said with a smile.

"it is, kids free to do whatever they want. look, Zu is even playing with kids her age." Liam pointed in front and Elenor lifted her head and turned to see that Zu was running around with a bunch of kids her age. Elenor smiled at the sight.

"let's dance." Liam told Elenor and got up.

"no way." Elenor shook her head.

"no?" Liam smirked and used telekinesis to pick Elenor up and brought her close to him. Elenor rolled her eyes with a smile.

"don't worry, I won't step on you." Liam smiled and wrapped his arms around her waist and Elenor wrapped her arms around his neck. They danced slowly and Elenor looked into his eyes with a smile.

"you are really beautiful." Liam told her and she blushed. Elenor kissed him on the lips with a smile and leaned closer into his chest and Liam smiled.

Little do they know, Clancy and Katie watched them from a distance and Katie smiled at them.

"are you sure it's her?" Clancy asked.

"I'm sure." Katie said with a smile.

"what are you going to do?" Clancy asked.

"I'll tell her once it's the right time." Katie told him and he nodded.

"come on let's dance." Katie dragged Clancy to the dance floor and wrapped her arms around Clancy's neck as he wrapped his hands around her waist and they moved from side to side, swaying to the music.


"come on, I want to bring you somewhere." Liam took her hands and dragged her out into the forest, they stopped and a boardwalk near the lake and the both walked to the end of the boardwalk and sat down, facing the stars.

"this place is lovely." Elenor stated.

"I knew you would love it. I saw this place when I was wandering around." Liam said and smiled and Elenor smiled back. They stayed it comfortable silence before Liam spoke up.

"I brought you here to ask you something." Liam said and Elenor gave a confused look.

"I wanted to ask you to be my girlfriend. There wasn't a good time to ask until now." Liam said and Elenor squealed with delight and hugged him tight before kissing him.

"I'm taking that as a yes." Liam stated as they pulled away.

"yes!" Elenor exclaimed and hugged Liam again. Liam smiled, happy that they are finally officially dating.

"come on, let's get back, it's getting late." Liam said.

"Let's break the news to our friends." Elenor said and Liam nodded with a smile.

They both got up and walked back to their cabins, where all their friends were already lying in their beds.

"guys, we have something, to announce." Elenor beamed with delight.

"what is it?" Ruby asked. Elenor grabbed Liam's hand and showed it to her friends.

"we are officially dating!" She exclaimed.

"Finally! I was wondering when you guys were gonna get together." Chubs told them.

"you guys make a cute couple." Ruby stated and Elenor smiled at her. Elenor looked over at Zu and she was smiling and giving a 2 thumbs up and Elenor smiled at her before letting Liam's hand go and they both went and laid on their beds.

"how was you guys night?" Liam asked.

"It was great. I was talking to Clancy and he said he could help me with my powers." Ruby told them.

"Which reminds me, I was talking to Katie and she said she would help me with mine too. she said she could show me some tricks." Elenor said with a smile.

"why are you guys getting to do the fun stuff while we are being tasked to help out in the compound." Chubs wined and everyone laughed.

"Come on, it's not so bad." Liam said.

"easy for you to say. you get to go outside the compound and look out for tracers while i'm stuck here, gardening. Gardening!" Chubs exclaimed and everyone chuckled.

"come on, at least we get to sleep on beds and have a full meal." Elenor tried to cheer Chubs up.

"I guess you're right, it's not going to be so bad." Chubs said out loud.

"now that's the spirit." Ruby said.

The 4 of them talked for awhile more before going to sleep. Even though Zu doesn't talk much, she loved hearing her friends talk, it brought her joy to hear her friends stories more than talking about hers.

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