chapter 12

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Liam was driving and Elenor was sitted on the passenger's seat while Chubs, Ruby and Zu were in the back. They were listening and singing to the songs on the radio. It was really a great day and Elenor didn't feel tired at all.

"alright so, we gotta take the next exit, and a straight shot." Chubs said.

"Got it." Liam answered.

"To lake prince?" Ruby thought it was weird that it was such a short journey. Elenor chuckled before looking at her.

"no silly. It's to your house!" Elenor said excitedly and Ruby's eyes widened in shock.

"we're taking you home." Liam smiled and Ruby couldn't believe what she was hearing. She could finally see her parents again.

"this is, this is -" Ruby started but couldn't continue.

"I know, we're amazing." Elenor smirked.

"thank you guys, this means a lot" Ruby said with a smile.

"Now before we reach, I know you have some dying questions you want answered, and I'm gonna answer them for you" Elenor told her and Ruby looked at her in confusion.

"You want to know what I am don't you?" Elenor asked and Ruby looked at her expectantly.

"To be honest, I still don't know what exactly I am, I was never sorted into a colour since I am the first person to ever experience this. I have all the powers and one more, superhuman speed. But I'm guessing if I were to be sorted, it would be into black since my eyes glow black whenever I use my powers. and that's why the white noise affect me more than everyone else." Elenor explained and Ruby smiled.

"when I was in the camp, I never really talked to anyone until I met Zu. I had a hard time opening up to people and everyone had their own group of friends so I didn't want to intrude." Elenor explained and everyone felt for her. Liam took one of her hands and smiled at her and she smiled back.

"I saw Zu sitting alone that day and decided to talk to her and soon we became friends and after 6 months, Chubs and Jack joined our group and another 6 months later, Liam joined." Elenor smiled.

"who's Jack?" Ruby asked and Elenor looked down.

"I'm sorry, did something happen?" Ruby said sorrowfully.

"Jack was someone we all loved dearly." Liam explained with sadness in his voice.

"he was killed by those dang soldiers at camp while trying to escape." Chubs told her and Ruby suddenly remembered the scene she saw from Zu's mind. The boy lying on the ground, that was Jack. Ruby felt bad for the group, she knew what it was like to lose someone close to her.

"I'm so sorry." Ruby said.

"It's not your fault." Elenor said. Zu looked around and found the box that kept Jack's ashes and she took it and showed it to Ruby.

"Is that Jack's ashes?" Ruby asked.

"Yup, we like to keep it with us because it feels like he's here with us." Elenor explained and Ruby nodded in understanding. Zu then pointed at the drawing on the van's wall behind Ruby. Ruby saw the drawing and saw 5 figures in normal clothes and standing on a patch of grass.

"Is that Jack?" Ruby asked as she pointed the boy drawing of Jack.

"yup, Zu drew that while we were in camp." Elenor explained and Ruby smiled at the drawing Zu drew. The rest of the ride was in comfortable silence, with music playing in the background. Elenor found herself drifting off to sleep, still holding onto Liam's hand.


Elenor didn't know how long they took but by the time she woke up, they reached Salem virginia. Liam stopped the van under a bridge so that they weren't visible. The 5 of them got out of the van to say goodbye to Ruby. Seeing the road ahead made it feel too real. She was finally home, she's going to see her parents again. But she started to doubt herself and stared into the distance.

"are you sure about this?" Liam asked.

"yea." Ruby answered. and then she chuckled.

"no." Ruby corrected herself and everyone chuckled. Zu was the first to go and hug her and Ruby hugged back. Elenor ran up to Ruby and hugged her. Ruby didn't expect it but she hugged back, careful not to touch Elenor's skin.

"Stay safe Ruby, please don't get captured again or i'm going to the camp and personally beat you up." Elenor joked and Ruby laughed.

"So I guess this is goodbye." Liam said as Elenor pulled away.

"I guess it is." Ruby said and Liam smiled sadly at her. Even Chubs looked sad to see her go.

"Stay safe Ruby." Liam said and Ruby nodded with a smile. She turned to Chubs.

"bye Chubs." She smiled at him.

"bye Ruby." Chubs smiled back. Ruby was about to turn and leave when she remembered she had something to tell Elenor and Liam.

"hey guys." Ruby directed to Liam and Elenor. Both of them look at her.

"You guys look great together." Ruby chuckled when she saw Elenor and Liam turn red and she smiled and turned around and left. Liam put his arm around Elenor and Elenor leaned on his shoulder and Zu hugged Elenor's waist and Elenor put her arms around Chubs as they watched Ruby walk further and further away. Elenor was worried something might happen to Ruby so she decided to follow her. (I had to change this scene so I hope you don't mind)

"I'm gonna make sure she gets home safely." Elenor said and pulled away from them.

"do you want me to come with you? 2 would be better than one if any tracer were to attack." Liam suggested and Elenor agreed. Elenor took Liam's hand used her superspeed and ran to Ruby.

When they reached Ruby's house, they saw her crying and running away from the house. They saw her threw a keychain on the ground and ran away. Elenor and Liam look at each other and knew it hadn't gone well and Elenor went over to pick thr keychain up and they both chased Ruby. Ruby ran and had stopped in the middle of the fields.

"I think I should do this alone." Elenor said and Liam nodded and stood there as Elenor went closer to Ruby. Ruby turned around and saw Elenor with tears in her eyes. Elenor gave her a sympethetic look and went up to hug her and Ruby hugged back, sobbing quietly. When they pulled away, Elenor looked at Ruby.

"It's going to be okay Ruby, you're not alone." Elenor told her.

"No it's not! I lost my parents because of what I did." Ruby said throught tears. Elenor was curious by what she meant but it was not the time to ask.

"you're not the only one who lost their family. we've all been there." Elenor told her.

"we're pretty much all orphans." Liam said as he came up to them, feeling that this was the perfect time to show himself.

"but we have each other, we're like a big dysfunctional family." Elenor said and Ruby chuckled.

"it's going to be okay, you're going to have good days ahead of you with us." Liam said and Ruby smiled.

"Thank you." Ruby thanked them and Elenor knew it wasn't just for this moment.

"here, I think this belongs to you." Elenor showed Ruby the gudetama keychain and Ruby opened her hands and Elenor dropped the keychain on her hand.

"one day, we're gonna know more about you Ruby," Elenor said.

"and until then, Zu saved you some twinkies. Come on." Ruby smiled and the 3 of them walked towards the van.


They were reaching the van when Lady Jane came out of nowhere and hit Ruby in the head and used her gun to produce some white noise which caused Elenor's eyes to roll back and everything faded to black. They last thing she saw was Chubs and Zu tied up with their mouth taped up, trying to get free.

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