chapter 8

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After driving a few more kilometers, Ruby stopped at the side of the road and Elenor, Chubs, Ruby and Liam got out of the car. Liam squat down and used his telekenisis powers to unscrew the knots on the wheels while Elenor and Chubs were figuring out their next move since they had shifted course. Zu stayed back in the van to prepare lunch for them.

"do you even know where we are?" Ruby asked.

"don't look so scared, Chubs and Elenor are map experts." Liam reassured Ruby.

"I'm a green, so all maps make sense to me. So does theoratical physics, existentialism according to thoreau, speed chess, artificial inteligence.. "

"yea in short, the kid's smart." Liam said and Elenor chuckled.

"and I also have enhanced intelligence so don't worry." Elenor reassured her. Ruby wondered how she has telekinesis, enhanced intelligence and a power that was never heard before, but she didn't want to intrude so she never asked.

"did you really think I rock these geeky-ass coke bottle for show?" Chubs said and Elenor laughed.

Plus, I'm smart enough to know that no one gives a crap about greens."

"Hey! I give a crap about you" Elenor told him and Chubs smiled at her, but went back to a serious expression and adjusted his glasses.

"what I'm trying to say is, why the hell would the league go through all the trouble for you? what makes you so special?" Chubs said in annoyed tone as he looked at ruby. Ruby looked really uncomfortable and looked on the ground. Elenor have thought of that too but didn't think much of it because she thought Ruby was a nice person and she did help them get away from the league and Lady Jane. Plus, she won't survive out there alone. Not saying she trust her completely, but she's well on her way. But she understood why Chubs didn't trust her, he doesn't trust people easily.

"Come on Chubs, leave her alone." Liam told him.

"Well if we're gonna be stuck with her, we need to know." Cubs explained. He had a point.

"You're not going to be stuck with me. I'm going home." Ruby told them and Elenor looked at her in confusion. Ruby started walking away from them and Liam stood up.

"wait where's home?" Elenor asked.

"Salem virginia" Ruby simply said. Elenor was not having it. She used her telekinesis power to stop Ruby in her tracks.

"Hey!" Ruby turned around and Elenor shrugged her shoulders.

"So what? you're just gonna walk back to the highway and hitchike? You'll be nabbed by a tracer and back in a camp in time for bed" Liam told her.

"A tracer?" Ruby asked.

"Bounty hunters. Like that crazy lady Jane who nearly smoked our ass back there?" Chubs explained.

"Man, for a green she sure takes a while to catch up." Chubs added in an annoyed tone.

"you should come with us. we're going to east river." Elenor knew Liam was going to tell her about the compound.

"don't tell her!" Chubs tried to stop Liam but he ignored him.

"Supposedly there's this huge compound where kids can live together outside. There's food, a place to stay, and it's safe. The slip kid's incharge." Liam explained.

"Who?" Ruby was still confused.

"No one knows who he really is. He got the name because he slipped custody 4 times and he supposedly is an orange." Elenor explained.

"Nice going you guys, you wanna tell her your shoe size and your favourite animal while you're at it?" Chubs asked sarcastically. Elenor playfully shoved Chubs on the shoulder and smiled at him, trying to lighten the mood. Chubs rolled his eyes but couldn't help but smile a little. Suddenly they heard noices from the side and they turned and saw Zu standing up and offering a plate of food with a sweet smile.

"sweet! it's literally sweet" Chubs exclaimed and went over and sat on the picnic mat. Liam took Elenor's hand and kissed her cheek and smiled and she smiled back. Elenor used her telekinesis power to bring a cream puff from the plate and dropped it on ruby's hand.

"We're your best chance of getting home." Liam told her and Elenor gestured for her to follow them as they both took a seat on the picnic mat. Zu moved aside and let ruby sit down as she gave her a fork which she gratefully accepted. Ruby sat down and offered Elenor half of her cream puff and she took it with a smile. Elenor broke her cream puff into 2 and gave Liam a piece and he took it with a smile. The 5 of them ate their food and Ruby was grateful that she bumped into these people. Even though Charles didn't trust her, he never pushed her away and she's grateful. She was also really grateful to Elenor, Liam and Zu who were kind towards her the moment they met and she was really happy about it. Elenor smiled and leaned on Liam's shoulder and Ruby could tell that they were probably a couple and she thought they looked cute together.

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