chapter 3

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This went on for another 6 months and it had been a year since she met zu and 6 months since she met Charles and Jack. And it was like every night, Jack and Elenor had been talking but were getting tired so they went to sleep.

Elenor was about to go to fall asleep when suddenly her door opened and a guard shoved a boy into her dorm.

The boy looked like he was her age and he had blue eyes and blonde hair. He was a head taller than her and was wearing a blue uniform like her. Elenor thought he looked kind of cute. She sat up on her bed while Jack got up and went up to the boy and helped him up and glared at the guard. the guard just shrugged and shut the door and left.

"are you alright?" Elenor asked the boy.

"yea I'm alright. not the first time the guard shoved me." He shrugged.

"The guards are always like that. don't worry, I'll protect you." Elenor put both my fists up in front of me and punched the air. Jack and the boy laughed as Jack went back to his bed below and the boy went to the available bed opposite the bunk bed.

"so, what's your name?" Jack tried to start a conversation.

"Liam, Liam Stewart."

"cool cool, I'm Jack and that is Elenor." Jack introduced himself and Elenor to the boy.

"how long have you guys been here?" Liam asked.

"6 months" Jack answered

"7 years" Elenor told him.

"damn 7 years. how's life like in camp?" Liam asked.

"mostly boring. we do the same thing every day. wake up, do whatever task they ask us to do, have lunch, continue and then dinner and then bed time and the day repeats." Elenor explained.

"I'm looking forward to that experience." Liam said sarcastically and Jack and Elenor chuckled.

They talked for another few hours and got too tired and fell asleep to charge up for the next day.


The next day they were woken up by the guards banging on the door as usual so they got up and lined up outside the door, waiting for the guards to lead them to their next task. while walking to the place, Elenor and Jack were explaining to Liam how things work, like getting up and being led to where ever they were supposed to go, how they do their tasks in an orderly fashion and things like that.

Then came lunch time, Elenor and Jack introduced Liam to the group and they welcomed him warmly. They talked and got to know Liam and Liam got to know the group more. adding Liam to the group was a good decision Jack and Elenor made. It wasn't awkward and Liam never felt left out. He even created a nickname for Charles, which was chubs. He also started calling Elenor El and overall got close to the group really fast. It felt like the 5 of them knew each other forever and didn't know how they became a group. They were like family to each other and they would do anything for each other. zu even drew a picture of all 5 of them together in regular clothes, indicating that they would be free in the outside world.

Elenor couldn't be more happy with her group of friends. She couldn't believe how far she gone. For 6 years, she had no friends, but now, in just one and a half years, she made 4 new friends who were now family to her.


It had been 6 months since Liam joined the group, every night her, Jack and Liam would talk and it was the best thing to Elenor and she realised that she had a growing crush on Liam. She liked that she had someone who cared about her, not like how Jack or Chubs cared about her, but how a boyfriend would care for his girlfriend. While chubs and Jack tease her a lot like how a brother would tease his sister, Liam wouldn't and would just chuckle slightly and it would make Elenor blush. But she couldn't tell him how she felt because she knew he didn't feel the same and she didn't want to ruin their friendship.

It was lunch time and they were talking to each other as usual when Elenor suddenly became quiet and started thinking about her powers and how she had been keeping it from them. she felt super guilty and was so scared of how they would react if she told them. she really wanted to tell them because she didn't want to keep this from them. She decided there and then she would tell her friends about her powers and would deal with their reaction later, they deserved to know.

"hey Elenor, are you okay?" she snapped out of her daydream state and saw Liam's hand waving in front of her.

"huh oh uh yea." she replied to him.

"Are you sure? you were in a daze and was so deep in thought." Cubs told her. she sighed and looked at them seriously.

"there's actually something I have to tell you. but I'm afraid you will see me differently after I tell you." she said with worry.

"don't worry, you can tell us anything, we would never judge you." Jack reassured her and Elenor took a deep breath.

"okay so, you know how I'm a blue?" she said and everyone nodded.

"I'm actually not a blue."

"what then what are you?" Liam asked, very curious about it.

"I actually don't know what I am. I was never sorted into a group. I have all the powers and one more power, super speed. I was supposed to be terminated that day but I used my mind control powers to make the doctor sort me into blue and I used my mind control to let everyone think my eyes glowed blue instead of black." Elenor showed them what her eyes looked like when it glowed before looking down, afraid to see their reactions on their faces. Zu suddenly hugged her from her side and when she looked at her, she was smiling up at her. That gave her the confidence to look at her other friends' faces, they were all smiling at her and that made her smile.

"I don't know how to feel about the whole mind controlling thing but to your powers, that is actually so cool!" Jack exclaimed with a wide grin.

"So you're the most powerful here." Liam smiled and ruffled the top of her hair, making her smile wider.

"That actually gives me a great idea." Everyone turned to chubs.

"what if we plan a massive break out"

"like break out of this camp?" Liam asked and Chubs nodded with a smile.

"we can break all the kids out of here and we can finally get out of here." Cubs grinned and everyone smiled widely. They were finally getting out. After 7 and a half years in this camp, she would be free.

For the next 6 months, during lunch and dinner, the 5 of them would plan the break out, mapping out the entire camp and taking notes on when there are lesser guards and how long it would take to break out of camp. Chubs and Elenor were the brains of the operation, planning on who would do what and calculating every possible move and after 6 months of planning, they were ready to break out of this camp.


author's note: guys I bought the series. I actually bought the darkest minds series I can read it now I can't wait!!😍😍😍

and also, i might have gotten the years mixed up loll

ok anyways, back to the story

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