Chapter 5

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"Your Babydaddy came by my house looking for you today an I think it's time London seriously."

"Ti fuck him you hear me? FUCK him." I was playing with Loyal and his toy cars.

"What if y'all run into each other when you come down here?"

"Trust me we're not. You didn't say anything to him did you?"

She sucked her teeth, "of course not."

"Good what did he even say?"

"He just really really really wanted to know where his son is and he just kept saying how it doesn't make sense that I don't know anything.. London how long do you plan to keep Loyal from him?"

"When my son can hold a full blown conversation and tells me he wants to meet his dad." I shrugged my shoulders.

"London that's his Son his first child you can't keep this up I know what he did was foul but you gott-."

"What the fuck is everybody not understanding!? I told this nigga the night before he left that my water can break at any moment and he didn't fucking come back! Who's side are you on?" I said starting to tear up as the memories flooded my mind.

"You know I'm on your-."

"Okay then! so there's nothing else to talk about."

I hung up an started crying putting the Toy car down.

He left me I can't stand Asad an I'll stay far the fuck away as possible as I can from him.

Nigga turned his back on his own son. Fuck him.

"Mama crying." Loyal said standing up holding on to me for balance.

I wiped my tears, "mommy's okay." I smiled.

"Mama sad." He touched my face an I scooped him up giving him a bunch of kisses making him laugh.

"See? mama happy" I smiled before kissing his chubby cheeks.

He smiled back at me.

"Come on let's go cuddle and watch Tubi." I walked down the hall with Loyal in my arms and went in my room so I can cuddle with my little stinka butt.

A Couple Days Later..


I woke up to the sound of my door bell being rung back to back. I looked over at Loyal and he was still sleep.

I put on my house slippers and house robe before going downstairs.

"Devyn why didn't you call before just showing up?" I said as I opened the door.

What the fuck!

I quickly tried shutting the door, but he beat me to it like always.

"Who the fuck told you where I was at?" I was furious.

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