Chapter 11

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I woke up seeing Asad still asleep so I decided to cook us some breakfast. I walked in the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face.

After I was done I walked down the hall to where Loyal was sleeping and he was still asleep, so I bent down giving him a kiss on the forehead before heading down stairs to the kitchen.

I'm gonna cook salmon Patties, grits, eggs, bacon, and waffles with some fruit.

I made me a mimosa and played some old school music before beginning to cook.

"Damn baby this what I get to wake up to every morning?" Asad said walking into the kitchen with Loyal.

They were twins Loyal was just lighter.

"As long as you keep being good to me and your son you can have anything you want from me." I smiled while cooking the eggs. Everything else was already cooked.

I fixed everyone a plate and we sat down at the table an ate together.

"I gotta go by the shop later on I haven't been in months but everything is furnished an all my contracts for the electrician, plumbing, an other services are set."

"I'm proud of you baby for real. It feel like it was just yesterday when you was cussing Kevin out on the phone for fuckin yo shop up." He started laughing.

"Don't remind me, but thank you." I playfully rolled my eyes.

"We finally finished the neighborhood. I gotta stop by there then handle some shit at the Trap."

"You still on that?" I looked up from my plate.

"I don't do the dirty work baby I just make sure everything running smooth."

I nodded my head okay.

We finished eating and got ourselves together before going to start our day.


"Well, well, well look who finally decided to come back." I was in our bedroom at my vanity curling my hair.

"Where you finna go?" Asad asked walking passed me.

"I have a 12pm client."

"Word since you working and make good money you can keep this apartment and pay the bills."

My mouth dropped.

"Where are you going?"

"Me and London got a new house together. I just came to get my clothes and shoes you can keep everything else. I didn't think you would still be here."

Nigga I'm pregnant I'm not going nowhere

He walked to the closet and started taking his clothes and shoes down.

"You doing this shit to me again Asad for real?" I felt myself start to cry.

"You fucked up when you blocked my bm from my phone that night, then gone post us knowing damn well we wasn't on that type of timing."

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