Chapter 14

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That Afternoon


"Baby please just ignore my mama if she say anything out the way."

I looked over at him like he was crazy.

"Don't hand her my baby."

"That's the whole point of us coming over here bae we need a babysitter we gotta put all that shit she did and said behind us."

I let out a deep breath, "Alright bae fine."

He leaned over and grabbed my face giving me a Kiss.

"Be the bigger person please bae." He turned the car off and got out coming over to my side to open my door and then Loyal's.

He grabbed his car seat while I grabbed the diaper bag and we headed inside hand in hand.

"I'm so happy you guys came by to finally let me see him, an again I'm truly sorry for all the hurt and disrespect I've shown towards you two." Ashyda said.

"You're fine Ashyda, I apologize as well for any of my wrong doings." I smiled without showing my teeth. I was being so fake. I can't stand his mama.

Me, her, Legend, an Asad were in the living room letting Loyal bond with his grandparents.

She was sober for once.

"How's the shop coming along?" Legend asked.

"It's good I just gotta hire some people and have my grand opening, so hopefully it'll be up and running by the summer."

"That's a smart investment." Legend smiled.

"Yeah maybe I can come get my hair done. Lexi is great at nails you should put her in a suite."

I laughed a little, yeah no.

"He's so handsome London I'm glad you didn't give him up for adoption."

"Yeah me either." I smiled.

The doorbell ringed grabbing all of our attention.

"I'll get it." Legend said getting up from the couch.

"So has your mom met him yet?" Ashyda looked over at me.

"No not yet."

"That's a shame, as long as he has us there's nothing for you to worry about."

"Where the fuck is he!?" I stood up an Asad turned his head towards me.

Jade came in the living room an I didn't give her no time. I ran towards her hitting her dead in her shit.

All you heard was the sound of our fists hitting each other.

"Nah ma move let em fight, Jade been talking shit." Asad said pushing Ashyda back from trying to break it up.

"Stupid bitch!" I said after every hit.

"Beat her ass baby!"

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