Chapter 17

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The Next Day..


"What's wrong papa?" I looked at Loyal with a concerned face.

He woke up crying last night around four in the morning an all three of us have been up ever since.

It's going on eleven, he'll sleep for like ten minutes then wake back up.

His nose had been running, he has this nasty ass cough, his breathing was sounding congested, he had red patches on his body, and his eyes were a little red.

I didn't know if they were heat rashes or what but I knew something wasn't right.

My baby was miserable.

"Bae we need to take him to the doctor."  Asad said breaking the tension we were both tired an irritated first time parents.

"Mama!" He whined while trying to climb on top of me.

I hated seeing him like this. I picked him up and tried rocking him to sleep.

"Shhhh." I said getting up to go run a rag under some cold water before ringing it out so I could pat his body down with it.

"Can you see what Doctors care has available today and schedule an appointment please I don't wanna walk in and be waiting forever." I was tired as fuck.

"Yeah." He pulled his phone out.

Loyal continued crying and coughing. I grabbed a wipe and wiped his nose it kept getting crusty and runny.

"Next available appointment ain't till five thirty."

"That's fine." I yawned and got up throwing the snotty wipe away.

"Go to sleep bae I got him." Asad said after booking the appointment grabbing him from me.

I kissed Loyal on the cheek and got in the bed and they followed behind me.

I laid up against Asad's stomach while he sat up with Loyal on his chest. He wasn't crying that much anymore just some sniffles.

I got comfortable resting my hand on his chest falling straight to sleep.


I woke up on the couch with Loyal we ended up coming downstairs since he woke up crying none stop an I didn't wanna wake London up.

My baby had a long night last night she just needed to sleep.

I looked at the time an it was close to five. I walked upstairs with Loyal and walked in the bedroom seeing London still sleep.

"Baby wake up." I lightly shook her.

"Hm?" She kept her eyes closed.

"We gotta go to his Doctors appointment." She quickly opened her eyes.

"Shit. Did I over sleep?" She sat up and yawned.

"No, I'm finna get him ready though so get up and get ready."

"Has he still been fussy?" She flipped the covers off of her getting out the bed.

"Yeah we had to go downstairs so he wouldn't wake you up."

"My poor baby." She rubbed his forehead to check his temperature before going to get ready.

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