Chapter 19

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(Reread chapter 18 I changed some things)


"Hey papa!" I said while watching Loyal crawl over to me.

I guess he got bored with his toy cars I was happy he was even playing with them since he's been sleeping so much.

"Mama." He stood hisself up using my shoulder for balance and started pulling my hair like always. 

"Stop it." I grabbed his little hands and he plopped down on the bed messing with whatever he could get into.

"I got a surprise for you tomorrow." Asad said coming out the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his torso.

"A paid self care day and now another surprise?" I raised my eyebrow looking at him.

"I just wanna show you my appreciation I have been gone for a year and this ain't nothing just wait till Valentine's Day next month."

I smiled.

He dried hisself off and threw on some grey sweats and a black shirt.

"Nooo where are you going?" I poked my bottom lip out.

"Handle some business at the Trap."

"This late?" I rolled my eyes.

"You know how this shit go London."

"You sure that's where you going?"

"Positive I'll be back in an hour." He grabbed his gun, keys, and phone before walking over and giving me a kiss.

"I love you I'll be back."

"I love you too." I kissed him back.

He bent down and kissed loyal on the side of his head before leaving.

"Come on let's get you cleaned up and fed so we can cuddle and watch Tubi." I grabbed Loyal and went into the bathroom to get us both cleaned up.


I got out my car and walked up to Milli front door and knocked.

"Who is it?" I heard Milli say on the other end.

"Open the door." I said not in the mood to play as she unlocked an opened it.

"I knew it would work." She had on some green see through lingerie with some heels on.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I pushed her before stepping inside and closing the door behind me.

"I miss you what the fuck you mean." She grabbed my face and kissed me catching me off guard so I pushed her back.

"Chill the fuck out you know I got a girl." I wiped my lips.

"So why you come over here then? Why you not with your girl at this time of night?" She started walking up on me.

"To tell yo ass to chill out you trippin reaching out to my girl when all we did was fuck Bitch."

"Bitch!!? Why you acting like you wasn't a shoulder to cry on for me when I first moved out here?" She looked confused and hurt.

"All we was doing was fucking you know I was dealing with Jade at the time you was a side bitch nobody knew about you."

"Yeah and confiding in each other too an I can make it very known with plenty of pictures of videos." She yelled a little.

"Man that was all you shawty, don't message my girl no more Milli you trippin let this shit go I'm too old to be dealing with this shit."

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