Chapter 9

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The Next Day..


"I love this feeling." London said while scrolling on her MacBook looking at different furniture for the new house.

"What feeling?"

"This.. us being a family an actually being boyfriend and girlfriend."

I grabbed her face giving her a kiss.

"I love this shit too baby, that's why I gotta have y'all with me in Chicago." I pulled her onto my lap and she wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Did you miss us?"

"Everyday.. I was going crazy, popping up on Ti, making Keem call yo shit."

"Im sorry for taking Loyal away from you." She placed her hand on my cheek.

"It's straight im in his life now and that's how it's gone always be and can't nothing or nobody get in between that ever again okay?"

She shook her head and smiled before  grabbing my face kissing me.

"Yo body bounced back too."

"Yeah im super happy about that. I thought I was gonna have to get a mommy make over."

"I would've paid for it too."

I rubbed on her ass, as my eyes traveled to her breast then up to her beautiful face.

"Can I have some pussy?" I licked my lips.

She bit down on her bottom lip about to give in, but Loyal started crying from down the hall.

"I got him baby." She got up off me and walked out the room to go check on him.

I looked down at my phone seeing I had a message from Milli.

Milli: when are you coming back to Chicago? You've been gone for weeks I miss you..

Milli: did I do something wrong?

Milli: ignoring me now? Lol.

Milli: and me and jade been hanging out a lot lately too so if you keep ignoring me I'm telling her.

Me: stop with this delusional shit.

"Who you texting?" London asked with Loyal on her hip.

"Keem he updating me about some shit going on back in Chicago." I put my phone back on the night stand.

"Mm hm, watch him while I take a shower please." She sat Loyal on the bed and he came crawling towards me.

"Dada." He said smiling

"You up now sleepy man?" I picked him up and gave him a couple kisses on the cheek before starting to play fight with him.

I softly slap boxed with him until London got out the shower so we can go get food.

1 Week Later..


"Bout time you back nigga." Akeem said as I dapped him up while walking in the door closing and locking it.

"London wasn't tryna come back down here I had to convince her."

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