Chapter 13

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It was going on midnight when I pulled up to the Airbnb we were staying at. I saw Asad's car in the driveway.

I got out my car grabbing my shopping bags out the backseat before going inside.

It was dark and quiet so I made my way upstairs to the bedroom to put everything down then I went down the Hall to check on Loyal.

He was knocked the hell out. I kissed him a couple times. I missed my baby so much.

I walked back in the bedroom an Asad was knocked out. Thank God cause I really didn't feel like arguing. All that driving had me tired.

I stripped out of my clothes and took a hot shower. Devyn an I didn't do anything he just took me shopping and we grabbed lunch nothing more, nothing less.

I got out the shower and dried off before applying some lotion.

I kept my long blonde hair down and threw on a sexy light pink two piece lingerie set that I bought today with Devyn's money.

I got in the bed facing Asad getting comfortable. He had the prettiest chocolate skin, I wish Loyal would've took after his skin tone.

"Where the fuck you been?" His eyes popped open scaring the shit out of me, but making me laugh at the same time.

"Handling business, isn't that what you told me when you came in here at one in the morning with a busted lip last night?" I sat up revealing my lingerie.

He stayed quiet while letting his eyes wonder up and down my body.

"Where did you go?" I asked while moving a piece of hair off my lip.

"I went to an old friend's house."

"Boy or girl?" I scrunched my face up.

"A girl." He grabbed my hands thinking I was about to hit him.

"Don't hit me London, where the fuck was you at?" He asked.

"In OakPark." I jerked my hands out of his.

"For fucking what ain't shit in OakPark for you nomore." He said getting mad.

"Where did the busted lip come from?" I titled my head.

"Nah answer mine an I'll answer yours." He mean mugged me.

I stared at him not saying anything.

He sucked his teeth, "Jade, but not like that bae I swear. I just to went to get my clothes and shoes and she was there. I told her about me and you, I told her she can have the spot and she just started swinging on me."

I pushed him off the bed and stood up on my knees.

"I told you to stay away from that Bitch after what she said about our Son!"

"I had to get some fucking clothes I didn't know she was gone be there, why the fuck was you in OakPark?" He walked towards me staring at me face to face.

"Deyvn." I said with a little smirk.

"Bitch stop fucking playing with me!" He grabbed my neck pushing me down on the bed.

"Who the fuck is your friend girl?" I started getting teary eyed.

"That bitch ain't nobody I didn't do shit with her I just had to tell the Bitch to leave me alone cause she kept blowing my phone up!" He yelled not letting go of my neck.

"You were still ignoring my calls all day though Asad get the fuck off of me!" I tried fighting against him.

"I was frustrated London damn I'm sorry! But what the fuck did you and this Nigga do? I told you to stay the fuck away from him!" He pinned my arms above my head.

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