Cora The princess of explosion!

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The battle started and then suddenly a huge explosion appears out of nowhere in the arena.

Ignition girl: Hmph.(smirks)
Gale Force: Nice try 2nd rank!  But you gotta do better than that!
Tiger's Eye: So they survived.(Looks up and sees them in the air floating)
Tokoyomi: That was too close.
Dark shadow: Was she trying to kill us?!
Shoto: I see what you mean about moving Yoarashi. She would have taken us all out with that attack.
Gale Force: She likes to be quick. You alright little man?(Holding Izuku in his Right arm)
Deku: I'm ok and thanks for the 3rd save again.
Ignition Girl: Damn it.

Ignition Girl! Real name Cora Kyodaina 2nd year of Shiketsu! Her quirk: Ignite! By snapping her fingers she can create a powerful explosion that can take down anything in her path with just a snap of her fingers!

Deku: What about the other team?
Imaginary hero: Not to fear! Because we are still alive. Haha!

(Inside a giant iron bubble ball)

Imagination man: That was too close.
Gum gum man: Nice try big sister Cora.
Grape juice: Ok I really am liking those quirks of yours you two.
Speedy: Thanks for the compliment.
Starlight: Those UA kids are a lot tougher than I thought. Look how they took down your brother when they had some help with one of ours.
Ignition girl: No matter what school their from...they are all going down.
Sun Eater:(Oh man. Why did I have to be teamed up with this girl. She can be really scary when she's mad. Plus I'll never forget what Mirio did when he pissed her off. That was pretty stupid on how you insulted her with that stupid dumb joke you said to her. She is still pissed off still.)

(On the stage)

Mirio: Man she's really gotten a lot stronger when I last saw her.😅
Tie Ta: Tie Ta, Tie Ta!
Eri: Huh?(Turns around and see's the door open behinds her and Mirio)
Mirio: Huh Tie Ta?
Tie Ta: Mirio! Tie Ta is so happy to see you!(Happy as he runs up to him for a hug)
Hero 1: Hey come back here!
Hero 2: How did he mange to get out of those restraints?
Tie Ta: A Big hug from Tie Ta.😆
Mirio: Haha easy there big guy. It's good to see you again. How's Shiketsu been treating you?
Tie Ta: Really great everyone is very nice. Say now how come your not playing with us in the sports festival?
Mirio: Uhh it's kind of a long story?(Scratches the back of his head)
Tie Ta:(Looks down and sees Eri)
Mirio: Oh this is Eri. Eri this is Tie Ta Kyodaina
Eri: Hello.
Tie Ta: Hi.(Waves at her)
Hero 1: Hey come on this is not a place for you to play in.
Aizawa: Don't worry about it you two I got this. Just say he wants to watch his sister win.
Hero 1: Uhh ok?

(Back at the battle)

Ignition girl:(Snaps her fingers)

The battle begins with a bang for Ignition girl but she fails to take down her opponents with one attack.  So her team and herself went into battle.

Tiger's eye:(Roaring!)Claw slasher!
Tokoyomi: Damn!(She's fast!)
Tiger's eye: You can't escape from me bird boy.
Deku:(Running as speedy is chasing him)
Speedy: Not bad for someone who can be quick on his feet!
Deku: Air Force!(Fires at him)
Speedy:(Dodging them)

Speedy! Real name Shun Supīdo 3rd year of Shiketsu! His quirk: Turbo! By activating from his legs he can make himself faster than anything you can imagine. He can run around the whole world if he wants to!

Speedy:(Catching up to Deku)
Shoto:(Ice wall!)
Speedy: Whoa!(quickly dodges his attack)
Starlight: Twinkle away my shining star!(Shines herself)
Grape juice: I can't see!(blinded for a short moment then suddenly it went dark)Huh?!
Imaginary hero: Mother always said to wear safety when the sun's real bright.
Gum gum man:(Eating a red bubble gum and then blows it out and then it takes form)
Sun Eater: What the?
Gum gum man:(Bubble copycat!)
Sun eater: The red bubble gum can make a copy of you?
Gum gum man: Attack!
Gum sun eater:(Attack sun eater)
Sun eater: It's like I'm fighting a mirror image of myself! Except it's gum!(punches it and gets caught into a trap)Crap!
Gum gum man: Oh this is gonna burn?(eats and orange gum and starts to sweat and starts to tear up)
Sun Eater: Can't break free!(The more I struggle the more sticky it gets!)(Looks at Gum gum)Huh? Oh shit!
Gum gum man:(Bubble fire!)(Fires out a orange fireball and Sun eater takes the hit)
Present Mic: Whoa now that's gotta hurt! Sun eater is out of the game!
Sun eater: Owww?!
Gum gum man:(coughing)Oh man I should really go easy on that flaming hot sauce.
Ignition girl: Well that's just perfect.(Snaps her fingers)
Deku: We need cover!
Shoto: On it Gale Force.(using both Fire and Ice)
Gale Force: Right!(Blows into the air and was creating a smoke screen that covered the arena)
Shoto: Everyone regroup!(Makes an Ice barrier around themselves with his team.)
Starlight: They blinded us.
Tiger's eye: Stay close.

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