Class 1A vs Future Class 1A Nomus!

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Class 1A uses the time device to teleport themselves to help Deku and Future Eri to defeat the evil Deku and the Nomu's that was once class 1A of the future.

Future Eri:(exhausted)
Evil Deku: What's the matter? Out of the energy!(Gets ready to finish them both off with the power of AFO's quirk)
Deku:(Damn it?! Is this how it ends?!)
Evil Deku: NOW DIE!!!!(Fires at them at full power)
Evil Deku: HAHAHAHA!!!! I WIN!!!

(He continues to laugh then suddenly gets hit from behind with a powerful explosion)
Evil Deku: What the hell!
Bakugo: Did you really think you can get away from us that easily!
Evil Deku: Bakugo?!

(The machine falls to the ground)

Future Eri:(Regaining consciousness)
Unavirty: You ok Eri?(Smiles)
Future Eri: Uraraka?
Deku:(Regaining consciousness)
Ingenium: Midoriya are you okay?
Deku: Iida?! Gasp?! Guys you're all here?! But how?
Ingenium: We had a little help thanks to the future Eri friends.
Froppy: We made it just in time.
Pinky: Not a moment too soon.
Future Eri: Wait? Who came and help?
Ingenium: Future Koda and a former member of the league of villains Mr. Compress.
Deku: What?! I thought all the villains were killed?!
Unavirty: Will fill you later right now he's helping the heroes right now to destroy the evil All Might.
Creaty: We can talk this later we have an enemy to fight!

(The machine transformers gets back up)

Evil Deku: This is impossible! How the hell did you bastards even get here!
Bakugo: Like will ever tell you!
Evil Deku: Doesn't matter now...Your all still gonna die here and now! Nomu's KILL THEM ALL!!!
Class 1A Nomu's:(ROARING!!!)
Invisible Girl: Here we come guys?!
Sugar man: Never thought I would fight myself that has turn into a monster?!
Deku: Everyone...
Bakugo: Get your asses up you two...Let them deal with their selves...You have your own self to deal with...and you have a hero you want to save Eri.
Future Eri:(Baku?!...)
Bakugo: Because sitting there is not gonna solve anything! So let's tear this bastard apart!
Evil Deku:(Ready to fire)
Red Riot: Ok everyone let's show ourselves what we got!(Harden himself)
Evil Deku: DIE!!!(Fires a laser beam)
Invisible Girl: Take this!(Her body takes the hit and her body shines through every direction and it blinded the Nomu's)
Can't stop Twinkling: Destroy that belly shining!(Using his laser to destroy Evil Deku's laser canon)
Evil Deku: No!
Creaty:(Creating Canon and fires at Evil Deku)
Evil Deku:(Taking damage)
Nomu Sato:(Roaring!)
Tokoyomi:(Dark fallen angel!)
Evil Deku: Gotta surprise for you Dark shadow!(Releasing another Nomu)
Tokoyomi: Gasp?! Is that me!
Future Dark Shadow: It's Tokoyami!

)Bakugo: Because sitting there is not gonna solve anything! So let's tear this bastard apart!Evil Deku:(Ready to fire)Red Riot: Ok everyone let's show ourselves what we got!(Harden himself)Evil Deku: DIE!!!(Fires a laser beam)Invisible Girl: Take ...

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Tokoyomi: Now that's just crossing the line!
Future Dark Shadow: Forgive me Tokoyami!(Attacks him)
Froppy:(Ribbit!)(Using her tongue to grab her evil self)
Nomu Tsuyu:(Roaring!)(Grabs Froppy tongue and starts swinging her)
Froppy: WHOA!!!
Grape juice: Hang on!(Grabs Froppy with his sticky ball rope and tries to pull her out but he ends up getting thrown with Froppy)
Sugarman:(Sees them and grabs his evil self and throws him at Nomu Tsuyu)
Froppy: That was close?!
Grape juice: These guys are too powerful?! It's like fighting a mirror of yourself that's knows everything you know! Will never beat them like this?!
Unavirty: Don't forget these are Nomu's now. They maybe us but think of them as enemies.
Tail Man: She's right!(Hits his evil self hard)We can't hold back on ourselves! There monsters now!
Shoto:(Attacking his evil self with fire)
Nomu Shoto:(Does the same with his fire)
Shoto:(We're equally match right now?! This is not gonna be easy as I thought it would be?!)
Nomu Shoto:(ROARING!!!)(Using ice)

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