The Mirror Void Hero!

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Present Mic: We have made it to the final match of the 4th round now we will see who will be moving on to the finals. We have seen so many great matches but this one will be an extremely exciting match! I can hardly contain myself!
Ingenium: This is it. No turning back.(Glasses shined)
Unavirty: Let's do this Tsuyu!(Pumped up)
Red Riot: Haha yeah that's what I'm talking about Uraraka!
Seiji: You 1st years are so childish sometimes.
Clay girl: Seiji don't ruin it for all of us. They are cheering us up.
Red Riot: Ok hands in everyone!
(Everyone putting their hands in)
Seiji: Seriously?
Unavirty: Don't be shy now.(Grabs his hand)
Seiji: Whoa easy?!
Red Riot: Ok on 3! 1,2,3!
Everyone except Seiji: PLUS ULTRA!!!!
Present Mic: Now that's how you get the last match ready to go!

(The arena changes one last time)

(The arena changes one last time)

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Clay Girl: Wow it's beautiful.
Seiji: Stay focused now. Are opponent is here.

A mirror appears and comes out a hero.

Mirror Void: Well well it's finally my turn to shine.
Unavirty: Wow she looks amazing.
Ingenium: Could be tough one to beat. We have seen a lot of strong pro hero's on both east and west. I say they've saved her for last then.
Seiji: For those who don't know much about her she was supposed to be the number one hero but she rejected it.
Everyone: What!
Red Riot: Hold on so she was about to be number one?! How come I never heard about this.
Seiji: She is also known as a legend. The uncrowned hero who refuses to take the number 1 spot. Lady Najenda Kūsho.
Mirror void: Nice to know that someone who knows about me.(Smiles)

Najenda Kūsho! Hero name Mirror Void! Her quirk: Mirror Reflect! She can reflect and attack with her mirrors that she summoned! She can also create copy of anyone's reflection even herself.

Unavirty: Excuse me lady Najenda. If you were supposed to the number 1 hero. How come you turn it down?
Mirror void: Good question. It was not my intention of being number one. Back when I was still in the top 10 I was offered to be the next number one hero. It was great but I refuse to be that position. The last words I said to everyone was...It's not my place to be in the top. It belongs to someone else. So I gave it to All Might.

(Back at UA)
All Might: Najenda...
(On the screen)
Mirror void: When I first met him he was the most strongest man that I ever met. He wanted to show his true power of being a real hero. Through out the years when I fought alongside him. I can see what he meant of being a hero and being the symbol of peace. When people see him they cheered for him that he will always save them with a smile. Everyone loves him so much he even. He made me smile as well. Deep down inside my heart I can feel his love surrounding me along with the people who still looks up to him to this day.

 Deep down inside my heart I can feel his love surrounding me along with the people who still looks up to him to this day

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