Bakugo vs Jikan! The General's true self!

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Once the fight was over between Deku and Gale Force. We are now down to three opponents for the finals.

(In the infirmary)
Deku:(Waking up)
Aizawa: Welcome back young Midoriya.
Deku: Mr. Aizawa?! Huh?!(Checks his body out and his injuries are gone)What the?!
Eri: Feeling better?(Smiles)
Deku: Eri did you-
Gale Force: Whoa my injuries are gone?! What happened! I'm not dead am I!
Mirio: It's ok Inasa calm down.
Gale Force: Mirio!?
Aizawa: Congrats on winning. Now you have Bakugo and General of Shiketsu to worry about.
Deku: Right.

(Back at the arena)
Present Mic: Now we can bring out the next battle!
(Screen shuffling)
Bakugo vs Jikan

Bakugo: Well it's about time I fight mask head!(Jumps into the arena)
Jikan:(Walks into the arena)

(In the infirmary)
Deku: Kacchen is up.
Gale Force: Oh man it's about to start?!
Aizawa: Watch Eri young Togata.(walks out of the infirmary)
Mirio:(Something is about to happen I bet.)

(Back in the arena)
Bakugo: Ok I had enough of the disappearing act with Deku! What hell were you talking to him about huh!
Jikan: Temper temper you are...
Bakugo: Don't play with me mask bastard I'm very pissed off right now!(Boom!)
Jikan: Are you still wondering how I knew you fought Midoriya?
Jikan: Because I used to go to UA on the start of my 3rd year before I left that school on the same day.

(In the resting area)
UA and Shiketsu: WHAT!!!
Unavirty: He went to UA?!
Froppy: Wait none of you never knew about this?!
Mora: No none of us never knew about this?! We're just as shock as you all are?!
Shoto:(But how did he know about my past though. Was he at the last year's sports festival?)

(In the Infirmary)
Deku: He went to UA?! Mirio did you knew about this?
Mirio: No he never told me he intended UA. But he did tell me he attended another school that was in America before he moved here to Japan. I guess I never saw him when he first came to UA.
Gale Force:(He went to UA on his 3rd year! Then left on that same day! What made him change his mind?)

(Back at the arena)
Bakugo: So you came to UA and then you left afterwards. Like I give a damn what happened to you that day. I just want to know how you know I was fighting Deku at the start of UA!
Jikan: Beats me on how he gave you a real scare when he showed you his real power.
Bakugo:(Pissed off even more)
Jikan: Is it because he is better than you with the power of his quirk with three letters on it.
Bakugo:(Three letters? Wait does he mean OFA?!)
Present Mic: If both are ready then let's begin!
Bakugo: I'm down talking with my mouth...
Bakugo: NOW I TALK WITH MY FIST!!!!(Charges in)

(Jikan dodges him but in slow motion Bakugo heard him say a familiar word that he always heard and then Bakugo raged disappeared into fear and Jikan kicks him hard to the face and he went crashing into the ground.)

Bakugo:(Gets back up as he was still trembling in fear)What did you just say?!
Bakugo: That' can't lying!

(In the resting area)
Red Riot: What's going on?! Why is Bakugo
Camie: Scared?
Seiji: It's almost like he saw a ghost?
Deku: What's going on?(walks in along with Gale Force)
Ingenium: Midoriya, Yoarashi?!
Gale Force: Whoa what's up with Bakugo?! He's so freaked out?!
Deku:(Kacchen?! What just happened?)

(Back in the fight)
Bakugo:(Pulls himself together)
Jikan:(He stopped shaking)
Bakugo: I had enough of you. But I'm starting to put the pieces together...I think I know who you are.

Man voice: I think I know who you are.

(Back to now)
Jikan:(Turns his hands into fist with anger)Why don't we give these people a show then shall we!(Firing water pistols)
Bakugo:(Dodging them as he charges in)Did you just lose your cool mask head!

The battle between Bakugo and Jikan continues on and Bakugo is holding his ground against the Shiketsu General Jikan.

Jikan:(Punches the ground hard)Ground shredder!

(The ground starts to rip itself apart and Bakugo used his explosion to jump high as he can to avoid the attack)

Bakugo:(Another damn power?! How many more does this bastard have!)
Jikan: A lot more.(Appears from behind him)
Bakugo:!!!(Gets hit to the ground)
Jikan:(Smokescreen!)(Covers the arena)
Bakugo: You think this will stop me!(BOOM!!!)(Blows it away with his explosive)Where did he go?!
Jikan:(Appears from behind)It's over.
Bakugo:(Quickly hits him and Jikan pulls one of Bakugo's explosive grenade on his arms and it went off)Crap!
Present Mic:(Whoa that was big!?)
Bakugo:(Damn it)Coughing!

(While in the smoke Bakugo Looks and see's Jikan's mask was on the ground and then he looks up and was shock to see his face.)

Bakugo: What the hell?! Who are you...why do look like Gahh?!(Gets knocked out and falls to the ground)
Jikan:(Grabs his mask and puts it back on before the smoked cleared out)
Present Mic: Bakugo has been defeated! General Jikan wins!

(In the resting area)
Shoto: It's all up to you Midoriya. You are our last hope of winning.
Deku:Wait what's he doing!?(Points at the screen)

(In the arena)
Jikan is shaking with rage and he slowly raises his hand and creates a spear of fire.

(Endeavor Hero agency)
Endeavor: What the hell!...Is that my?!

(In the arena)
Jikan: Die...

Jikan was about to strike him but he was stopped by Mr. Aizawa quirk.

Eraser Head: Mine telling me on what the hell you doing.
Jikan: Let go...

(Then the rest of the heroes came in and surrounded Jikan.)

Thirteen: Young Bakugo is ok. But he does need medical treatment.
Hound dog: When someone wins we didn't ask for you to keep going!
Shishido: You better have a good explanation General brat!
Jikan: My mistake...I didn't mean it.
Gang Orca: That's it? That's all you have to say?
Midnight: General Jikan as the leader of Shiketsu you have been given a warning. You should know better than this.
Eraserhead: If I catch you doing something stupid like that will be disqualified and be forced to resign as General leader. Got it!(Let's go of him)
Jikan: I promise I won't let that happen again.
Midnight: Ok will resume to the final match.
Jikan:(Finally...We can now fight each other...Izuku...)

(In the resting area)
Deku:?!(Whoa...why did I suddenly got the chills?)

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