The surprise help from the future! Mr. Compress secret weapon!

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(The Heroes ended up getting more help from the future. They weren't expecting a surviving member of the league of villains to appear. Also Future Koda was also with him to help the past heroes to defeat the evil All Might.)

Shoto: Why should we trust you? Note to self you were apart of the raid when you villains attacked us in the summer training camp. You even tried to make one of the our classmates to join your group.
Bakugo: Hold on Todoroki. There is question I want to ask? How are you even alive after the whole future fell apart?
Future Mr Compress: Good question young man. I'll make this quick before the big guy comes for us. It all happened after our leader All For One died. Once our leader was gone we were free to do what we have ever wanted. Shigaraki Tormura was never the same person after his master died. He was never the same afterwards when he lost his master. Then one day out of nowhere the young boy that you all know as Izuku Midoriya came for us. One by one we were all picked off like flies. He almost got me to. But I was still alive if I hadn't used my quirk to hide myself to make it look like I was dead. I was left badly wounded thanks to evil Deku. Until I was found by the surviving heroes when they were searching for survivors. They took me in nursing me back to health and here I am returning the favor.
Endeavor: So that's it? They just made you on their side?
Future Mr. Compress: They kept a close eye on me just in case if I did turn against them. But with the whole situation that was happening in the future. The gave me these test to prove it.
Future Koda: It was Eri's idea to prove that we could trust him.
Eraser head: I see...
Future Mr. Compress: Now let's get down to business.

(He removes his mask and opens his mouth with two marbles on his tongue)

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(He removes his mask and opens his mouth with two marbles on his tongue)

Shoto:(Those marbles?)

Future Mr. Compress tosses them in the air and pops out two small boxes as they landed back in his hand.)

Monoma: What are those things?
Future Mr. Compress:(Opens one of the boxes)
LaMillion: Gasp?! Wait that's?!
Future Mr Compress: Correct. The drug that can destroy quirks permanently. If I'm right you heroes would have encountered these by now. But not to worry we didn't get this out of young Eri. This was left over after the whole Chisaki raid when he was experimenting her quirk.
Ryukyu:(That's right?! I've heard some of the league of villains were also at the raid when we were fighting Chisaki's goons.)
Future Mr. Compress: Miss Melissa was study these drugs and evil Deku and his quirk for a long time and she said this will destroy his quirk permanently.

 Compress: Miss Melissa was study these drugs and evil Deku and his quirk for a long time and she said this will destroy his quirk permanently

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LaMillion:(Like the time when I lost my quirk when I was protecting Eri.)
Eraser head: Wait how did you get that?
Future Mr. Compress: Well let's just say we had to say goodbye to Chisaki before they took him away.
LaMillion: More like the opposite. When the police and the heroes found him both his arms were gone. Along with the drugs that made to destroy quirks along with it. So it was you guys that took it. But why did you leave him broken instead of rescuing him?
Future Mr. Compress: Because he was the one who destroyed my left arm. Plus Shigaraki never even liked him. So I guess we got a little revenge for what he did.(Giggles a little)
Creaty: Okay but the evil Deku isn't here anymore. We just saw him take Future Eri and our Izuku from this timeline we are in to somewhere else? They could be anywhere?
Future Mr. Compress: I guess you heroes aren't seeing what we are watching in our future?
Shoto: What are you talking about?
Future Koda: It's Best to show you real quick.(Shows a live recording of what's happening)
Unavirty: There they are?!
Sugarman: How did they get to your future?
Future Koda: They aren't in our future? It's like they're somewhere else in an alternate world.
Gale Force: Whoa! What's that giant monster machine!
Future Koda: That's evil Deku's final plan to destroy his past self along with Eri. Using Hatsume project.
Hatsume: Wait I made that!
Future Koda: The future you made it but she also got killed and her project was stolen afterwards.
Red Riot: Come on you two kick his ass!(watching the recording)
Earphone Jack: Wait what are those things attacking them?
Future Mr. Compress: This might disturb you youngsters.
Ingenium: Wait?! Those are Nomu's?! Gasp?! Their quirks?!
Shoto: Is that us?!(shocked)
Unavirty: They are us...future class 1A?!(Shock)
Grape juice: What the hell happened to me! I look like I came out of a horror film that went wrong!
Future Mr. Compress: I guess you kids never knew what happened to yourselves? After the evil Deku took down your future selves. He also decided to take your bodies and transform them into his own liking thanks to the doctor we had before he ended up killing him too.
Bakugo:(Watching Deku as he's struggling to fight future Nomu's as was once class 1A)Damn you nerd.(see's future Eri) Guess we got no choice but to help them?
Charge bolt: Huh but how?
Bakugo: With this you idiot.(showing the time device)
Future Koda: Mellisa's time device she made?!
Bakugo: I found this before those three disappear into that world. My bet that the evil nerd must of used his to get him and those two to that world. I bet this thing can do the same thing. But we need a damn power source.
Future Mr. Compress: A power source you say?(Pops out a small object)Do you mean this?

Future Koda: Gasp?! Wait you had a power stone with you this whole time!Future Mr

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Future Koda: Gasp?! Wait you had a power stone with you this whole time!
Future Mr. Compress: It was young Eri's idea. She told me to hang on to it while I was with her and Melissa.
Bakugo: Okay so we got the power stone to charge it. Now what?
Future Koda: Can I see the time device real quick. I can set the coordinates to get you there.
Bakugo:(Tosses it to him)

(Future Koda places the stone inside the time device and it powers itself up as he was getting ready)

Endeavor: I should be the one to help young Midoriya and Eri with those Nomu's.
Hawks: Your gonna need back up to help with them.
Gang Orca: Same here.
Shishido: Don't want you to get all the glory.
Bakugo: No this is our fight. Your fight is the Evil All Might.
Midnight: What?!
Shoto: We can take care of this everyone.
Endeavor: What Shoto you can't be serious?!
Gale Force: Todoroki what are you saying?!
Shoto: Class 1A can deal with our future selves. Nobody knows better about us is ourselves right now.
Gale Force: Seriously we can help you!
Camie: Inasa this is UA business here. Let them deal with this.
Mora: She's right. We have our own problem to deal with right now.
Gale Force: Damn it! I wish could help you guys!
Ingenium: We do appreciate it Yoarashi. But this is between us and our selves. Besides class 1A sticks together.
Unavirty: You and the Shiketsu's still have a job to do.(Points at the evil All Might)
Seiji: She's right we can still win this. Will take it from here.
Camie: Good luck you guys.😉
Ignition Girl: Give him hell everyone.
Future Mr. Compress: Will give you a hand with the Evil All Might. We these drugs they can destroy that faker permanently. Here you kids take a few of them.(tosses them to Ingenium)
Ingenium: Is destroying the future Midoriya's quirk the only option we have?
Future Koda: To tell the truth I wish that as well. But Eri did told me this once. She said deep down inside Evil Deku's heart. There is a young boy who crying for help. She wants to save the hero who saved her long ago. Just like when Izuku saved me.
Evil All Might:(ROARING!!!)
Endeavor: Times up go now!
Hawks: The rest of you hero's let's go!

Cellophane: Well let's do this guys.
Froppy: We should hurry.
Unavirty:(Deku, Eri, were coming.)
Ingenium:(Were coming you two.)
Bakugo: Everyone grab on to me.
Class 1A:(Grabs Bakugo)
LaMillion: Bakugo everyone were counting on you.
Bakugo: Right.

(The time device activates and class 1A disappears)

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