Will win this together!

10 1 0

Evil Deku absorb Gigantomachia and goes on a rampage with the power of all the quirks he has stolen.

(Meanwhile Deku opens up the mysterious package that the future Bakugo left for him and it was a recorded message from him)

Future Bakugo: Try not to be alarm by this. This is a recorded message to the heroes of the past. My name is Katsuki Bakugo of the future. By the time you get this...I'll probably will be dead or will be soon. So listen up. The future is in trouble by the hero and the friend I once knew...his name Izuku Mydoriya. He was taken over by the power of AFO. It all started with the former number 1 hero All Might.
All Might:(He recorded a message in case he something happened to him one day?!)
Future Bakugo: He was possessed by the power of AFO's quirk after he defeated AFO himself and then later was slowly being taken over by his quirk. He tried his best to keep himself in control before it over took him. Tell then Izuku Midoriya ended up killing him.

The heroes were shocked to hear that the future Izuku killed All Might.

Gale Force: So that's what we missed earlier?!
Grand Torino:(That would explain why he was crying earlier?)
All Might:(So that explains everything. It wasn't Midoriya's fault that the future was all messed up?! It was all my fault?!)

Future Bakugo: Once it was done AFO still didn't want to go down without a fight. He ended up taking over Izuku Modoriya but he somehow managed to overtake him and that's when all Hell breaks loose. His first target was taking out all the villains including the league of villains along with them. Somehow he managed. Once that was done he next objective was to kill every hero across Japan along with the new generations of heroes. We tried so hard to defeat him. But one by one they all met the same fate as the villains. Leaving just a handful of the last surviving heroes. Out of a thousand heroes of Japan was wiped out leaving just 10 heroes left standing.

Deku:(Out of a thousands heroes only 10 are left In the future!)
Unavirty: Let's think? The wild wild pussycats makes 4, then Future Kota 5, Future Eri 6, then future Bakugo that makes 7, who are the last 3 then?
Future Bakugo: So now then-
Man: Hold on young Bakugo. Can I use this for a moment.

(The hologram turns to another person and this was a mouse)

Everyone: Principal Nezu!?!
Deku: Ok that's a shock?!
Nezu: Well would you look at that. I'm still alive?!(Pops right behind Deku's head)Guess the young Midoriya of the future didn't get me yet?
Future Nezu: Now now settle down and listen up everyone. Since this will be a recorded message I have a message to the heroes of the past. I'm sure you are all having a difficult time beating the Evil young Midoriya right now but not to worry. I may have found a way to make sure he is defeated for good.
LaMillion: For real?!
Future Nezu: That's right by studying Evil Deku for along time we somehow found a small core that is coming from within the time device. It appears that's what's giving him more power. If you can destroy it. It may stop his ultimate powers of all the quirks he has stolen.

Endeavor: The time device had taken serious damage. One more hit should finish the job.

(Evil Deku opens several dark portals to bring the other heroes he teleported earlier from the battle)

Unavirty: Your all back!
Gale Force: Seiji, Camie you're both ok!(Hugs both of them real tight)
Camie: Yeah we're fine.
Seiji: Can you let us go please?!(can't breathe?!)
Mora: The stadium is completely destroyed?!
Gang Orca: Looks like you guys had a hard time with the big one then?
Midnight: Giganta manage to beat him tell he got teleport. We believe that he came back here again. Where is he?
Endeavor: Oh that...see that big one right behind us.
Fat Gum: A Giant All Might!
Gale Force: Not to worry this is my little cousin and Imagination man quirks combined together to make him more powerful.
Red Riot: Hey what happened to the older Bakugo?

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