Stop The Evil Future Midoriya!

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(Meanwhile in the hallways of the stadium being evacuated)
Civilians:(Beginning to panic)
Hound dog: Come on keep moving! Hey no pushing!
Fat Gum:(Carrying the old people)
Anima: Stay calm and keep moving!
(Glass shattering)
Sugarman: Watch out!(saves two small kids before the glass landed on them)
Creaty: Sugarman!
Sugarman: I'm ok! Come on you kids it's not safe here.

(On the other side of the stadium)
Mirio: Stay close to me Eri.(Holds her in his arms)
Eri: That person...he looks like Izuku...Who is he?
Mirio: I wish I knew Eri.(So if that isn't Jikan? What happened to the real one?)
All Might: Young Togata!
Mirio: All Might what's going on out there?!
All Might: It's getting crazy out there. Right now I need you and Eri to come with me right now.
Mirio: What why?
All Might: I'll explain on the way hurry!

(Back in the arena)
Ingenium:(Running and Dodging the evil copy Deku attack)
Speedy:(He's faster than he was earlier!)

(The evil copy jumps around)

Tiger's Eye: He moves fast like a rabbit would!
Monoma: This is not gonna be easy to take down. If the future Izuku has multiple quirks with the power of AFO then this copycat must be the same then as well.
Tie Ta: Tie Ta punch!(Hits his face hard)
Machia: Punch this!(Grabs his head)
Giganta: Get your hands off me!(Struggles)
Tetsutetsu: He needs help!
Red Riot: We're coming hang on!
Pinky:(That voice...Could it be?...)


(Back to now)Pinky: There's no mistaken

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(Back to now)
Pinky: There's no mistaken...(Getting scared)
Red Riot:(Grabs Pinky's shoulder)Pinky snaps out of it!
Pinky: Kirishima?!
Red Riot:(Looks up)Shit move!(quickly moves her)
Mount lady:(Gets back up and helps Giganta/Tie Ta)
Machia:(Struggling with both of them)
Giganta: He's a lot stronger than I thought!
Mount lady: Don't give up! Rock star!
Rock Star: On it!(Making music)
Machia: AHHHH!!!!(Tries to attack Rock Star)
Rock Star:(Play's his music louder)

Endeavor:(Attacking Evil Deku)
Evil Deku: Your no different than the one I took down!
Endeavor: SHUT UP!!!(Firing his flames spears at him)
Evil Deku:(Black hole!)
Endeavor: Shit!
Shishido: Your mine!(Charges in)
Evil Deku:(Takes the hit)
Shishido:!!! What the hell!
Evil Deku:(Iron body!)(Then punches him hard
and it send him flying towards the walls of the arena)
Evil Deku: This is starting to get boring.(Using his eyes)Now where is she?...

(Looks outside the stadium with a see through vision quirk and finds Eri and Mirio along with All Might as he gets them in his car)

Evil Deku: Found you...
Bakugo:(Comes from behind)DIE!!!
Bakugo:(Lands on the ground)
Deku: Kacchen?!
Bakugo: Shut it nerd! I don't know why on how much I wanna kill you now! But now I want a kill this copy Bastard even more!
Evil Deku: Great more insects to kill.
Bakugo: What do you know about yourself nerd?
Deku: He was from the future-
Bakugo: I heard all that already while I was coming out here! What else did he say about us or me! Or whatever the hell he said to you!
Deku: He said your the only one who was left standing in the future. You were about to be killed by me but Eri saved you!
Bakugo: Is that the kid still lives on then...
Evil Deku: It would have been nice to see you die. But she got in the way of my dream.
Bakugo: Really...(using one of his heavy explosives)
Evil Deku:!!!


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(Meanwhile outside the stadium)
Eri: Baku?!
All Might: Buckle up Eri.
Eri: What about the others?
Mirio: They'll be ok. Trust me.(Smiles)
(Car starts moving quickly)
All Might:(If that Midoriya from the future is after Eri from the past then...)(Begins to sweat)(He wants to stop that from happening! If Eri dies then the future will be his to conquer?! And all will be lost to the heroes and the world?! Including no future for anyone?!)

(Back in the arena)
Evil Deku:(Blocks all attacks from the pro hero's and blows them all away)
Unavirty: He's too powerful!
Ignition Girl: We need a new strategy!

Evil Deku: Go after the girl I'll keep them busy.(Giving the evil copy orders)

(the evil copy makes a run for it to go after Eri and the others)

Gang Orca: He's running away?!
Orca Tail: He's heading for the city!
Deku: Crap! Not just the city?! He's going after Eri!
Midnight: Ingenium, Speedy stop him!
Ingenium: Roger!
Speedy: Yes ma'am!

(Both speed heroes went after the evil copy Deku along with a few heroes right behind them)

Giganta:(Struggling with Machia)
Mount lady:(Struggling)
Machia:(Breaks free)

(Machia was about to finish off mount Lady but his right arm gets caught in several green vines)
Shiozaki: No you don't!
Juzo:(Makes the ground turn into mud and Machia falls in)
Cellophane: He's coming down!

(Everyone moves as he falls to the ground)

Tie Ta: Tie Ta cannon ball!(lands on Machia)
Machia:(Struggling to get up)
Ignition Girl: That a boy Tie Ta keep him down!
Juzo: With my quirk he shouldn't be able to move as long the big guy keeps him down we should be ok for now.

(Meanwhile on the highway on a bridge in the city)
All Might:•••
Mirio: All Might what is going on tell me?
All Might: It's kinda hard to explain with Eri here but I got no choice.
Mirio: What do mean? What did you hear down there in the arena when the fake Izuku was talking to Izuku?
All Might: Apparently that is Izuku Midoriya. He's from the future. But when he explains everything to what happened to the future everyone and everything he did was gone.
Mirio:(Eyes widen)
All Might: But there's more to it. He now has the power of AFO and OFA. Along with every quirks from the pro hero's he has taken down along with the villains with them. Including the future generations of heroes as well.
Mirio: That's terrible and how did Izuku from the future ended up like that?
All Might: It has something to do with me because my other self failed to defeat AFO.
All Might: Huh I'm confused? How did the other you failed to defeat AFO if he's already been defeated an locked away in our time?
All Might: I wished I knew about that but I didn't get to hear the rest of his story from the start of their talk. Right now I just need to us get as far away from here as possible. So-
Eri: What was that?
Mirio:(Looks at the mirror and sees the evil Deku copy coming right at them)Oh crap! He chasing us!
All might: That's the other copy that the future Midoriya summoned earlier! Hang on!(putting his car into high gear)

(All Might speeds up but the evil Deku Copy is right on their tail's)

Mirio: He's catching up! Wait?! Another copy!?
All Might: I'll explain that later right now I don't want him to catch us!(That evil copy has a speed type quirk going right now?! He must be using Iida's Engine quirk!)
Mirio: If he has the power of AFO and does that mean he wants you dead?
All Might: It's not me he's after! It's Eri he wants!
Eri: He wants me?

(The copy Deku creates a bazooka and fires at the car)

Mirio: INCOMING!!!!

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