Keep Eri safe!

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As the evil copy Deku chases after All Might and the others. The heroes in the UA stadium of the sports festival are getting intense with Evil Deku of the future.

(On the highway bridge of the city)
(BOOM!!! BOOM!!!)
Speedy: You see that!
Ingenium: Almost there! Double time!

(Evil copy keeps firing his bazooka missiles at All Might's car on a highway chase)

All Might: Shit!(dodges them as the car goes everywhere)
Mirio: Right! Left! Right! Left!
All Might: I know what I'm doing!

(The evil copy changes his bazooka into another weapon)

Mirio: If only I had my quirk I would take this guy on!
Eri: Should I use my quirk to help.
Mirio: No Eri. You use to much of your quirk to heal the others back a the stadium. I don't want you overdo it.

(Suddenly a harpoon gets attached to the All Might's car)

All Might: He hook on to us!?

(Evil copy reels himself in to get on the car)

Mirio: Crap he's coming!

(Evil Deku copy was getting closer then the line gets cut and he starts to tumble and gets back up again and continues to run after them)

Hawks: That was close need help.(winks)
All Might: Hawks!?
Hawks: I was watching what was happened on the sports festival. I was heading there to help then I saw you being chased. Also who is the villain and why does he look like-
Mirio: He's Izuku Modoriya from the future and he wants Eri! Well not this one the other one is back at the stadium.
All Might: The other Midoriya summon this one with the power of one of the villains quirks.
All Might: Right now the future Midoriya send this copycat after Eri. Protecting her is our priority right now.
Hawks: A Midoriya from the future?!(Looks at the copy)Let's see what your made of pale.
All Might: Be careful when you fight him. He has the power of AFO along with every hero and villains quirks with him!

(Evil copy fires out feathers. The car took some damage and Hawks grabs one of them as his hand bleeds a bit)

Hawks: (These feathers?!)
Mirio:(He even got to Sir Hawks in the future as well!)
Hawks: Ok now you got my attention.(Gets angry)

(Evil copy looks back and see's reinforcements arrive to stop him)
Hawks: All Might drive the car out of the city so he won't do anymore damage here.
All Might: Right!(He turns the car towards and exits and drives it outside of Tokyo.

(Back at the arena)
Tokoyomi: Now Dark shadow!
Dark shadow:(About to attack Evil Deku then gets stop by another dark shadow)
Tokoyomi: What?!
Evil Deku: Well you're not the only one who has a shadow playing with you all the time.
Dark Shadow:(Retreats)Another me?!
Tokoyomi: How cruel on what you done to my friend and myself!
Evil Deku: Go play with them.(The future dark Shadow attacks Tokoyomi as he left Evil Deku's shadow)
Dark Shadow: Shit!(attacking his future self)
Tokoyomi:(This is hard to fight like this! How is this dark shadow of the future able to fight without my future self helping him anymore?!
Starlight: Shining Light!(lights shines at the evil Dark Shadow blinding him)
Gum gum Man: Steel Bubble ball!(Blows it and traps Evil dark shadow inside of it)That should hold him for now!
Imagination man: Tokoyomi keep him in check.
Tokoyomi: Right!

(Back at the open road where All Might and the others are)

Hawks:(Using his feathers)
(Evil copy dodging them)
Ingenium: Sir Hawks need our help!
Speedy:(Speeds up and try's to attack the evil copy from behind)
(Evil copy quickly turns around and vomits out lava)
Speedy: Shit!
Hawks: Hang on!(Using his feathers to save Speedy and Ingenium)
Speedy: That was close!?
Ingenium: The same technique like Magma man!?

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