Shoto and Ignition Girl vs The General of Shiketsu!

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(The match begins but both sides remain still as they stared at each other)

Ignition Girl:•••
Present Mic: Uhh did you kids hear me? I said let the fight begin! Hello?!

(Meanwhile at Endeavor's Hero Agency)
Endeavor:(That Shiketsu General...Who is he?)

(At UA)
All Might:(What's he waiting for?)

(Back at the arena)
Shoto:(He wants me to make a move first?)(Starts to sweat)
Ignition Girl:(Well boss...What's your plan?)Come on General. Make your move...I dare you...
Shoto:(Gasp!)Fires out fires from behind and Jikan was behind Shoto as he dodged his attack)
Ignition Gril:(Snapes her finger to attack the other one in front of them)
Jikan:(Pulls back away from Shoto)
Shoto: That was too close?!
Ignition Girl: The old sneak attack trick. Like the one you did on that villain with a crazy mine that's makes copies of himself. But he managed to escape because of his clones.
Shoto:(He did the same thing from the 3rd round with me...but why didn't he take me down when he had the chance?)
Jikan: Looks like that won't work on you again Todoroki. But instead of using Ice you used Fire instead.
Shoto:(Can't let my guard down for a second.)Wait a second?! You fought one of the league of villains?!
Jikan: Yes but he somehow mange to escape. Also I have ran into the league of villains awhile back and I fought a couple of them. The strongest one I fought was a man who had burn scars on his face.
Ignition girl: So now you decided to tell us?!
Shoto:(The same villain who captured Bakugo.)


(Back to now)Jikan: But I'll talk about that later

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(Back to now)
Jikan: But I'll talk about that later.(A bunch of smoke appears around Jikan)

(A bunch of smoke blows all over the arena. Covering the entire place)

Shoto:(About to use ice)
Ignition Girl: No hill expect you to do that. He wants us in the open.
Shoto: What do you know about your boss? What can he do?
Ignition Girl: To be honest I wished I knew. But I have been working real close to him for a long time. He mostly likes to study his opponents first and then make his move after.
Shoto: Any weaknesses?
Ignition Girl: Nope nobody can't lay a scratch on him not even me. But I also know he can use his mask to see us in this smoke cloud. It won't be Long tell he finds us.
Shoto: Well great...But that does give me an idea.

Jikan uses his mask as the eyes changes colors for a different vision to see with)

Jikan:(Looks around in the smokescreen and see's them)Found you.(Charges in and then stops to get a better look)...Huh?!

(The smoke clear around them and then Jikan see's that they are fake. It was ice pillars)

Jikan: Decoys?!

(Fingers snapped)

Ignition Girl:(Smirks)
Shoto: Got him.(Sees nothing but fire and then a dark figure appears in the smoke)
Ignition Girl: No way?!
Jikan:(Walking out of the fire)
Shoto: Theirs not even a scratch on him?!(shocked)
Jikan: Not bad you two. But that won't work on me.

(In the resting area)
Deku: Whoa?! There's no scratch on him anywhere?!
Gale Force:(Looks at his right hand again and he was shaking and he stops himself)(Come on don't freak out you can do this.)
Deku:(Looks at the corner of his eye)(He did it again like from earlier...Wait? Is he scared of his boss?)

(Back at the arena)
Jikan: Now that you had your chance it's my turn to attack.(eyes glows red inside his mask and he starts to float)
Shoto:(He's floating?! How many quirks does he have!?)
Ignition Girl:(Snaps her finger)
Jikan: Nice try.(says it behind her)
Ignition girl:!!!
Shoto:(He's fast!)(Using his fire and he jumps out of the way. Same goes for Ignition Girl)
Shoto: Now freeze!(Heaven piercing Ice wall)

(A wall of ice heads straight to Jikan)

Jikan:(His right arm gets buffed a bit and punches the wall of ice and it shattered into a million pieces)
Present Mic: Holy shit! He destroyed Todoroki's ice attack!

(Next thing though Jikan is jumping in the air)
Shoto: What the hell!
Jikan:(Air walk.)
Ignition Girl: Damn it!(Snapping her fingers to take him out in the air but he dodges them)
Shoto:(First he can clone himself, creates smokescreen, and can jump while he is still in the air! How many quirks does he have?!)
Jikan:(Water pistol!)(Fires out water from his fingers and Shoto quickly dodged it and the water went straight through his some of the ice he used earlier)
Shoto: Is he trying to win or kill me?!(Jumps out of the way while he keeps firing more water pistols)
Jikan: I can do more then just water.(Fires started to ignite underneath his feet)
Shoto: You gotta be kidding me!
Jikan: Hell dragon dance!(Starts doing a three sixty degree spin and a large whip of fire expanding in every direction)
Ignition Girl: Shit!(Snapes her fingers to stop it)
Shoto:(Using his fire at full force)

(Both used their quirks but both of them got extinguished by Jikan's quirk.)

Shoto:(used his Ice to shield himself along with Ignition Girl)
Present Mic: Whoa?!
Shoto:(Exhausted)He's to strong...
Ignition Girl:(Exhausted)
Jikan: If that's the best you two can do...(knocks them both out)...To bad I was just in joying this.
Present Mic: What the! Shoto and Ignition Girl are both knocked out! Then the winner for this fight is Shiketsu General Jikan!

(At Endeavor's Hero agency)
Endeavor: WHAT!!! Shoto has been defeated!🔥

(At UA)
All Might: He has multiple quirks?!(starts to sweat)

(Back at the arena)
Shoto:(regain consciousness)Who...are you?!
Jikan: You'll see soon and sorry for what your mother did to the left side of your face.(Walks away)
Shoto:(eyes widen)
Jikan: Boiling hot water can be really painful.
Shoto:(How does he know that?!)Hey wait?!(Tries to get up but he was two weak to move)
Present Mic: Now let's bring out next opponents out!

(In the resting area)
Unavirty: Good luck Deku.
Froppy: Will be cheering for you.
Deku: Thanks everyone.
Camie: Good luck Yoarashi.
Tie Tia: Tie Tia says win for Shiketsu Passionate hero!(Happy)
Gale Force: Damn right I will!(pumped up)
Bakugo: Will you two hurry up and get going! I'm getting sick and tired of waiting for my turn!

(Both boys Made their way to the arena the. Jikan was walking towards them)

Jikan: Good luck you two.
Gale Force: I will do my best General sir!(hits his head to the ground hard)
Jikan: You don't have to keep doing that to yourself.
Deku: I didn't know you had more than one quirk?
Jikan: I'm just full of surprises.(Walks by him and said something to him as he walks away)
Deku:(Gasp?!)(Looks back at him)

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