For the future!

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Machia: DIIIIEEE!!!!(Charges in)
Rock Star:(Rock n Roll music)
Evil Deku: I'm getting tired of that damn guitar!
Giganta: Not for me!(Attacks Machia from behind and slams him down to the ground)
Mount Lady:(Tries to grab evil Deku)
Evil Deku: I thinks it's time we even the odds.(snaps his finger and opens a portal and both Mount lady and Giganta are both being transported into the portal along with Gigantomachia)
Machia: Master!
Evil Deku: Destroy them Machia go berserk!
Machia: Yes sir.

Midnight: Half of the heroes with me! We'll take down that monstrosity!
Fat Gum: Go hurry the portal's is closing!
Ignition Girl: Tie Ta! Kyojin!

(The portal disappeared along with half of the heroes)

Ignition Girl: No I'm too late!
Bakugo: They'll be fine. Your brothers are strong enough to handle themselves. Have some faith in them.
Ignition Girl: Your right. Right now we have these two to deal with.
Evil Deku: Time to blow you all away.(creating powerful winds as the sky goes dark.)
Gale Force: No that's my Cyclone of justice! He got to my future me as well!

(Meanwhile on the outside of the stadium)
Nezu: All the civilians have been evacuated from the stadium successfully. Hmm? Looks like things are getting crazy again in the stadium?(looks up at the sky)
Can't stop Twinkling: I better head back and help the others. Starlight are you with me?
Starlight: Hey what's that?(Points out into the city)
Hound dog: Whatever it is it's coming this way.
Can't stop twinkling: Wait?! It's Speedy and Iida!

(Out in the city)
Ingenium: Your quirk is out of energy?! Huh?!(Looks up and see's Evil Deku getting ready to attack)That can't be good!
Speedy: It's up to you now!(grabs him and uses the last of his quirk to shoot him up in the air)Speed sonic force!(Makes Iida go even faster)
Ingenium:(I see what he is doing? He wants me to stop him?)
Speedy: Go get him!(collapse to the ground)
Ingenium: I won't let this go to waste!

(Out in the city)Speedy:(exhausted)Ingenium: Your quirk is out of energy?! Huh?!(Looks up and see's Evil Deku getting ready to attack)That can't be good!Speedy: It's up to you now!(grabs him and uses the last of his quirk to shoot him up in the ai...

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Ingenium: I am the class representative Tenya Iida of UA high school!

Ingenium: I am the hero who is build for speed!(Goes extremely fast that his armor from his costume begins to fall apart)

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Ingenium: I am the hero who is build for speed!(Goes extremely fast that his armor from his costume begins to fall apart)

Evil Deku: What the hell!(sees Iida coming right at him so fast)

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