Chapter 9

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Blood covered Tré's house. The walls and carpet were stained with the demonic color of red. Shattered pieces of glass were scattered all around the floor, indicating that whoever was hurt put up a fight.

The sharp weapon that was used at the scene sat bloodily on the floor. It contrasted harshly with the intimidating color of red that was laid out across the whole house.

A heroic phone that was used to call 911 was not too far away from the victim. The victim...was Tré.

From what Billie could see from the small corner of the murder scene, he thought that he really had killed Tré. It didn't seem as though he was breathing. His body shook violently at the thought. He sat forward and hurled onto the hardwood floor.

The flashback of him repeatedly ramming the blade into Tré made Billie Joe want to flea the scene and act like it never happened. Act like it was a dream. But it wasn't. It's not a dream. It's a real life nightmare.

Billie had stabbed Tré so many times he lost count. He gave up at twelve.

After he let Tré's limp body fall to the floor, he scrambled into the corner. He sat there and rocked himself while the only sound was the humming of the air conditioning.

His body slumped at the memory that Tré had gotten contacted with 911 before he had...died? No, don't think like that. Tré is not dead. He can't be. Can he?

Billie Joe started pulling out chunks of his hair while gritted his teeth. It was as if he was waiting for his doom to come. All hope was lost. Billie was caught.

He heard the sirens before he saw the lights. To say his heart skipped a beat would be an understatement. His heart skipped many beats. Billie began to cry.

"Mike was right. You are a crybaby," Fink snickered. He stood in the opposite corner of Billie while wearing a smirk on his face.

Billie Joe gasped in fright. The sirens are getting closer. He could start to see the flashes of red and blue coming from a few blocks away.

"I'm so scared," Billie cried as he saw the lights getting closer and closer. The sirens were basically outside of the house.

"You should be! Look at what you've done Billie Joe. How could you do this to a dear friend?" Fink grinned.

The cars screeched around the corner and pulled up to Tré's house. Slamming car doors only made Billie Joe jump.

"It was your fault! I didn't do anything! It was you! You made me do it! You're the fucking devil!" Billie screamed while pointing at what looked like nothing to anyone but him. The armed police officers walked in just as this was being said and hesitated approaching Billie Joe.

Fink cackled an evil laugh.

"STOP IT! STOP JUST STOP PLEASE!" Billie screeched while punching his head over and over.

"Son, I need you to hold your arms out and lay on the ground," the police officer said while holding a gun up to Billie.

"OH GOD NO PLEASE NO! WHY?! I'M SO SORRY TRÉ! PLEASE FORGIVE ME, PLEASE!" Billie Joe screamed ignoring the police officers request.

"I'm gonna need back up," the police officer yelled to the patrol behind him, waiting outside the house. He didn't dare to take his eyes off of Billie.

"I'm so so so so so s-sorry Tré. Please forgive me. Please forgive me. Please forgive me. Please, please, please..." Billie said while continuing to rock himself in the corner.

He watched as an officer checked on Tré, looking to see if his vital signs were responsive.

Before he had time to react, two more police officers charged into the house and forcefully pulled Billie up from his sitting spot in the corner.

"NO, PLEASE. PLEASE STOP. PLEASE! I DIDN'T DO IT. IT WAS FINK! HE MADE ME!" Billie Joe screamed while trying to squirm himself out of the police officers' strong grip.

"Anything you say can and will be used against you son," the armed police officer said.

Billie continued to struggle. The officers had their arms firmly hooked around Billie Joe's while trying to pull him to the floor. Billie could feel his throat being scratched from the screaming he has done. The officers tightened their grip and yanked Billie Joe down so fast he didn't have time to react before a was pinned to the ground. They put his hands above him while he cried and shook. The armed officer began to search his body. Little did they know, the only dangerous thing he had used was the bloody knife sitting just inches away from Tré.

Billie Joe could barely see Tré through his blurry tears. As the officers held him down he couldn't help but feel guilty for what he had done. Tré was a dear friend, and he had done this to him just so he wouldn't get help. The help that he needed.

Eventually the officers lifted Tré onto a stretcher and began to wheel him out of his own house. Billie began to thrash his body in an effort to get away from the police.

"No, no no no NO! TRÉ! TRÉ NO! Please! Please let me go. I have to tell him it wasn't me. It was Fink! Tré, don't believe them! It was Fink! He made me do this!" Billie Joe shouted after Tré's repeatedly stabbed body being rolled away. Tears leaked from his eyes uncontrollably.

Fink stood in his same position throughout the whole situation. He didn't say a word, but he mocked Billie with a devilish smile. As he stood he swayed femininely to music only he could hear. Fink simply hummed to himself as he watched two officers aggressively hold Billie down.

Billie Joe then heard the unmistakable sound of handcuffs being unclipped behind him. Soon the cold metal met his wrist sending a shiver up his spine. He couldn't tell if it was because of the metal or the fear.

What was said next made Billie finally let out the breath of air that he had been holding in the whole time.

"Billie Joe Armstrong, you are under arrest for the attempted murder of Frank Edwin Wright III."

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