Chapter 39

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"Do you think you can give me a tour of this place?" Mike whispered later that day. They had fallen asleep for a few hours.

Billie Joe sat up a little and squinted. He rubbed his dry eyes and sighed heavily. Before he spoke, he looked over at Mike and smiled.

"Sure, Mike. I should go to the bathroom first though," Billie reasoned.

Mike moved to the side slightly so that Billie could get out of the bed.

"Okay. I'll be out here," Mike grinned as he stretched his back. A few cracks came from his spine. Billie Joe curled his toes. He still hated that.

Without another word, Billie Joe rose from the bed. The cold floor met his feet causing him to shiver. Suddenly he felt freezing in his hospital gown. Ignoring this, he made his way into the dim bathroom.

After using the toilet, Billie washed his hands. He yet again avoided the mirror as he scrubbed soap on his knuckles. He couldn't imagine what he looked like, and he didn't feel like looking.

"Feeling better, Billie boy?" Fink teased, appearing out of nowhere.

He stood behind Billie Joe and slowly trailed his hands from Billie's back to his shoulders. His fingers felt cold through Billie's clothing as they trailed up his spine. Fink breathed slowly on the back of Billie Joe's neck.

"Fink please, not now. Mike is here-"

"You think I give a fuck if Mike is here?" Fink growled behind Billie.

Billie flinched at Fink's words. Fink noticed Billie Joe's discomfort and decided to make him even more uncomfortable. He took his hands away from Billie's shoulders and started tracing little drawings on Billie's back. Billie Joe shivered.

"But you know what I do give a fuck about?" Fink asked. Billie didn't respond. Fink continued.

"I have noticed that you haven't been talking, eating, looking at yourself in the mirror..." Fink listed. He drew a heart on Billie Joe's back as he did so.

"I...I can't look at myself in the mirror, Fink," Billie whispered. He felt intimidated by Fink.

Fink smiled at Billie Joe's insecurity, but kept his cool as he continued to talk with him. He didn't want Billie to think he cared. He couldn't care less.

"Do you really think that being stubborn is going to get you anywhere?" Fink hissed.

Billie didn't respond. He didn't even shrug. Being annoyed by this, Fink moved his hands from Billie Joe's back and to his hips. He stuck his nails into his skin; the feeling going through Billie's gown. Billie whimpered.

"Please...please don't hurt me while Mike is here. He can't see this, Fink. Please," Billie Joe whispered. The words barely left his throat.

"Oh, Billie Joe. I'm not hurting you. I'm helping you," Fink snickered. He smirked as he dug his nails deeper into Billie's hips.

Billie felt the tears starting to burn behind his eyes from the pain. He squeezed his eyes shut to prevent them from falling. Fink didn't deserve to make him cry anymore.

"Since when did hurting someone become helping them?" Billie Joe scuffed through the pain.

"Since when did being a little bitch make someone get better?" Fink shot back.

Billie shook his head.

"You know what I believe, Billie boy? I believe that a mirror is another way of realization. Seeing yourself and your self made flaws helps you realize how far you've come or how much farther you need to go. So why wouldn't you look in the mirror?" Fink asked sarcastically.

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