Chapter 1 When König found

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König, Ghost and Soap are meeting up with the rest of the crew at the local pub to celebrate their latest successful mission. Ghost and Soap are always walking ahead of König. He may have long legs, but he walks so slow as he's always lost in his thoughts.

As the three are walking along the sidewalk, König sees something in the corner of his eye. He turns to look into a shop window and freezes in his tracks. Inside the shop he sees a woman with a voluptuous hour glass figure, auburn colored curly hair, vibrantly colored tattoos on all her exposed skin, eyes that could kill a man and a smile that would end a war. The most beautiful woman he has ever seen. While König stares blissfully, his mind wanders thinking about how he would run his hand from the back of your head, going up half way, grabbing a fist full of those perfect curls and pulling your head back so he could leave you completely powerless as he had his way with you. He wanted nothing more in this world than to get closer to you. The store was a tattoo shop, and this woman he couldn't take his eyes off of was the owner and artist.

You're just finishing up with a client.

Ghost and Soap continue walking COMPLETELY oblivious that they lost König. They almost make it a full block before noticing.

"Where's König?" Soap asks. Ghost turned around, looking for him.

"What's with König just staring?" Mumbled Ghost. Both men are super curious about what's with König. They rush up to him.

"Are you alright?" Soap says with a worried tone. Both Ghost and Soap are extremely confused until they turn to look at what had König's attention. Now, three guys in full specail ops gear are staring into the store.

You get this overwhelming feeling of being watched. You turn around and see three military guys staring so hard it almost looks like their eyes are going to melt the glass.

Maybe they're waiting for my client to get out, you think to yourself. There's a military base really close by, so it didn't seem odd. You finish ringing up your client, and as he leaves out the door, the three guys who are now fogging up your shop windows are still there.

"Great! I just cleaned those windows.  They're probably drunk and feel tattoos are a good idea," you say angrily. You ignore them, hoping they will come to their senses and leave. As you have your back turned, cleaning up after the last client, the door opens.

You turn around and see one of the three stooges has come in. He's incredibly tall, very muscular, and wears a mask that only exposes his eyes.

"Can I help you?" You ask with a cautious tone.

"du bist schön(you are beautiful), what's your name?" He says with the sweetest voice.

"Excuse me?" You say sharply.

König quickly puts his head down. For a guy who looks like he could easily pick you up and do bench presses with your body, he seems shy. You move closer to him, quickly smelling his natural scent and it makes you a little weak in the knees. He has your curiosity peaked.

"Are you looking to get a piece done here?" You softly ask.

König with his head still down facing his feet, quietly says,"Y-yes."

You wonder why he won't look at you, so you take matters into your own hands. You leaned forward slightly and looked up, meeting with his eyes. You find yourself lost in his bright, hauntingly stoic eyes. They told you everything you needed to know, and you want more. König falls into your hazel eyes, noticing dark brown spots that resides within them. A smile suddenly came across your face.

"Hi! My name is (Y/N), what's yours?" You say cheerfully. 

König quickly stands up straight, no longer looking down but directly at you. His stare was doing things to you.

When König Found YouWhere stories live. Discover now