Chapter 15 Stabbed in the Back

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It's been a week and a half since Ghost left and you haven't heard anything from him. You start to worry a bit even though he said it could extend past two weeks.

You decide to take the day off and do some self care. With your ankle feeling better, you move your stuff and Ghosts stuff upstairs, you make a wonderful breakfast and take a bath with a mimosa. Someone knocks at your door. You sigh It's not Ghost....maybe König? You remain in the bath and grab the phone texting König: Are you outside the door?

König: Yep.

You: I'm NOT coming out of this tub, so hop the garden fence if you want to come over.

You hear a little bit of noise in the back as the screen door opens.

"I'm upstairs in the bathtub. So stay down there," You shout.

You hear foot steps coming up the stairs, but before you can say anyhthing you suddenly see König at the bathroom door averting his eyes, "KÖNIG! Sit your ass down on the floor outside the bathroom. Not that you haven't seen me naked but you don't need to be now!"

König quickly sits down on the floor outside the bathroom as he slowly looks up noticing that he can see your reflection from the mirror. He can see almost all of you.

"König, what are you doing here?"

"Ahhh, honestly, I don't know, Schatz. Just been thinking about you a lot lately."

Your eyes start going side to side trying to figure out what he means by that.

"Mein Schatz?" König says softly.

"Ich bin hier(I am here). What have you been thinking about?"

König's touch deprived body stares at your half visibly naked one. Two of his fingers start moving forward and curling a bit on the way back by his side thinking about, walking up to you in the bathtub, spreading your legs as he puts those two fingers inside your center, making your moans echo throughout the house. Then he picks you up from the hot water, lifting you up onto the counter so he can taste you while you watch yourself release in the mirror with his head deep inbetween your legs.

"König? You still there?"

König snaps out of it, "I'm sorry, Liebling. What did you say?"

"What have you been thinking about?" You ask again wondering what happened to him just then.

König chokes on his own thoughts, "Nothing."

"Uummmmm okay.....Can you wait for me downstairs like I originally asked? I'm going to get out."

König gets up and heads down the stairs with tighter pants. Once you hear his foot steps going down, you get out of the water, dry off and get into some PJ. You slowly come down the stairs wondering if everything is okay with König. You see him sitting in the kitchen, looking defeated.

You sit next to him, "Was ist los?(What's wrong)?"

König looks at you dearly, "Nothing, Schatz. I'm okay."

You can tell he's concealing something but you're not sure what, "You hungry?"

"Nein, I'm going to head out," König says sadly.

He picks himself up and and heads out the front door. You don't understand what's going on with him, so you text him: If you ever want to talk, I'm here for you.

König sees your text. He wants to tell you that he still loves you, but since he can't get the words out, for now he says nothing.

You finish out your self care ending with a mud mask, sour patch kids and Near Death Luminescence.

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