Chapter 5 What Comes Next(Ghost)

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Suddenly, the feeling of his hand squeezing your side wakes you. You sit up, realizing that you have his jack cloaked over your side. You do the ASL for 'Thank You', at which time you hand it back to him, but before doing so, you sneak in a deep whiff of his intoxicating scent that lingers on his jacket. The descent begins, and once landed, you get out of the plane all excitedly animated until you see recruits looking at you funny, making you stop your enthusiaum abruptly.
"Acting like they've never seen a giddy woman before," you scoff in a teasing tone that goes from a whisper to an audible laugh.

"We're staying in a dorm tonight," Ghost says, leaning into your side.

"Will it be like a Four Seasons hotel room?!" You joke while following closely behind him, taking in the smell of the sea air, just like in England.

He laughs as he leads you to the base. A recruit comes up to him seemingly out of nowhere like a magician, "Lt. Ghost, I presume? Follow me."

Ghost takes your hand and walks into the building that's completely different with a tiny hint of similarities to the England base.

"Here you are, Lieutenant, sir. Ma'am."
Ghost whips his head over to you so fast just to look at your face that's mocking the recruit as he walks away, "First one to call you that, but it won't be the last.....Ma'am."

You start slapping his arm as he walks you into the room, laughing. With the door locking behind you, he relaxes with the sense of privacy. This feeling comes over you, and it's too strong to deny. You walk up to his now unmasked handsome face and kiss him, bringing your tongue into his. His groans mix with your moan as your hands go down his body, over his pants, and start rubbing on his firm memeber. He pulls his lips away breathing heavy into your neck, "Fuck..."

You lean towards his ear, whispering sensually, "I want you."

"Come here, baby," he says as he picks you up with your legs quickly wrapping around his waist. He brings you againts the wall and bites on your neck all while his lustful hands squeeze your backside. God, he wants you so bad and while part of him wishes to savor this moment, the other part wishes to make you walk funny for a week. His bites turn into kisses that come back to up to your wanting lips, with you grinding your center into him. He puts you down with a controlling look in his eyes....he finally decides which part he is choosing, "Take your pants!"

You quickly without hesitation or question, take it off with your panties falling your ankles and onto the ground. He looks at your bare lower half, still not satisfied with his breathing picking up, "Shirt off!"

You peel off your shirt and take off your bra. His eyes grow so much that his forehead is wrinkling. You look at him shaking your head, "I see you FINALLY noticed that my girls got bigger. Took you long enough!"

He brings himself to your eyes, "On the bed and sit up against the wall!"

"Yes, Lieutenant."

You bring your curvaous body to the bed and right up against the wall. Without having to be told to do so, you spread your legs wide for him, giving him a seductive glare with your darkening eyes.

He takes off his jacket and shirt, gifting you with sight of his glorious abs that make your center pulse with desire and anticipation. You can't wait any longer for him to take off his clothes, that man is taking his damn time and his chest alone is enough to get your kitty purring. Your body craves to be pleasured at this very instant so your hand finds its way down to your pearl. In the act of pleasuring yourself, your eyes roll back, fluttering with the feeling of the soft circles that brush over that sensitive bit.

"That's my good girl," is all he can get out.

Just the sight of you naked and now this, it placing him half way up the peak and his pants aren't even off yet!

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