Chapter 1 Disclosure (Ghost)

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Another week goes by with work being interesting, and this time, it goes by fast. You know that at any given moment, Ghost will come back to you. The next day, you get ready for work and head over. It's relatively easy with simple tattoos and easygoing people. Your day ends late, but you don't have much else going on, so you lock up and head home. Halfway there, you get a phone call from Soap.

You start to smile cheerfully, "Johnny! How are you?!"

"Lass, where are you?"

"I'm about halfway home from my work. What's going on?" You say with a pit in your stomach.

Instantaneously, Soap's SUV appears, slamming on his breaks. He sticks his head out the window, "Get in the car!!!"

You quickly run over and hop in the passenger seat, "Johnny, where's Simon?!" Soap starts speeding off.

"Look, he got back this evening, and this mission was not successful. He lost a lot of people."

"Where's Simon, Johnny?!" You ask again, terrified beyond belief.

"Simon got off the plane and immediately locked himself in his dorm. We unlocked it once, and he threw a chair at us. He's screaming and destroying things in there. I'm worried he's trapped inside his head, blaming himself for something that was out of his control. Now I've seen you pull him back to earth more than once, and I don't know anybody else who can do that but you."

"Take me to him."

You arrive at the base with Soap getting you through security. You run inside, following him with your heart sinking every step of the way. As you run further down the hallway, the angry screams get louder, and the crashing noises of furniture being thrown get even worse. Suddenly, you see a small crowd of recruits, including König hanging around outside listening. Once you arrive at his door, you look at König whispering, "Get these people out of here and keep them away."

König looks at you sternly, knowing what's about to happen, "Nein! He's dangerous, and you expect me to just let you go in there, risking your life?! Nein!"

You look at him with frustration coming out of your pores, "Get these people out of here! Fucking now, König!!"

König retreats a bit in shock. Ever since he came back, hes watched you grow into something bold and assertive. You're not the delicate flower you once were. You don't gently ask, you demand and bark. Something he never saw when he was with you. König shakes his head and gathers the people, making them leave, but not before looking at Soap, "You better protrect her!!"

Once König is gone, you hear a loud crash as something is thrown at the wall.

"Johnny give me the key to his door." Soap starts to question his decision about involving you in this while he hands you the key.

You unlock it, cracking it open, "Simon...I'm coming in." You quickly move inside and lock it behind you.

Soap hears the door locking and starts banging on it, screaming at you.

You see Ghost surrounded by jagged pieces of wood and various scraps of debris. His breathing is heavy and labored with his hands bleeding from the destruction. You take a step towards him, "Simon, my love."

He screams as he picks up a chair and throws it against the wall, "GET THE FUCK OUT!!"

You take another step towards him, "You know I'm not going to do that, remember what I said? You're stuck with me."

Ghost picks a piece of broken wood and throws it by the door, "GET OUT BEFORE YOU END UP DEAD LIKE THE REST OF MY UNIT!!"

You take another step closer, "No Simon, I'm not going any where."

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