Chapter 18 Life's Fluctuations

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You're woken up the next day by birds singing a harmonious song by the open window. You find yourself still on the side of his body while he's fast asleep. Happiness washes over you, seeing him sleeping while snuggling up closer to him. Ghost's grip tightens on your body as his eyes open a bit, placing a delicate kiss on top of your head, "Are you up?"

You shake your head and hold onto him tighter. His fingers move from the side of your face into your hair, "Is there a plan for today, babe?"

You lay there thinking long and hard, "I have a very full next week coming up soon and it would be nice to do something before I start it. Hmm....Do you want to be outside or inside?"

"If I was to choose, outside. What would that intale?"

You lay there thinking about it, coming up with potential possibilites, "Hike? There are some good trails up by my cliff side."

"Sure, as long as it ends with the pub after," he jokes.

"Deal! Do you think Johnny will let us borrow his car?"

Ghost sighs, "I'll check."

He reaches for his phone on the nightstand and sends out a text.

Ghost: I'm taking your SUV.

Soap: What if I say no?

Ghost: You know what would happen.

Soap: You'd steal it. Fine! Where are we going?

Ghost: I don't steal, only borrow and what's this 'We' business?

Soap: Borrow my arse! If you're taking my car, then naturally, I'm automatically invited to come along.

Ghost: No.

Soap: Do you want me to tell Alejandro that you "Borrowed" his car that time you and König punched each other? Because he's still looking for it.

Ghost: You have no proof.

Soap: If you're going to be that way then....

Your phone chimes as you roll off of him and grab it. You see you have a text from Soap, "Why is Johnny texting me? Aren't you talking to him right now?"

He reaches for your phone, "Give it! Don't listen to him!"

You get off the bed before he can grab the phone from your fingers. You open up the text,

Soap: (Y/N), Simons being mean and won't let me come along with you guys.🥺

You laugh as you look at Ghost before responding,

You: Of course you can come along, Johnny.

Soap: Thank you, my merciful Queen.

Ghost's phone chime as he looks at you, "What did you do?"

You sit back in bed smiling as he looks at the text,

Soap: In your FACE! (Y/N) said I can join you guys.

Ghost: We're going hiking.

Soap: Eeewwwww! Really? Hiking? People actually do that?!

Ghost: So you're not coming then?

Soap: No, I'm coming. See you in 10 minutes!

Ghost: 10 mintues?! More like an hour atleast!
Ghost: Johnny! Give us an hour.
Ghost: Johnny!

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