Chapter 4 Happily Ever After(Ghost)

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Once inside, you're shocked to find that all the destroyed windows and door are fixed, like it never happened and on the kitchen counter top where the ugly note was originally placed, now stands a gorgeous arrangement of potted orchids. You walk up to them and marvel at each and every one of their colors and patterns.

"Do you like them?" Ghost asks softly.

You turn around and hug him, "I do very much. Thank you."

There's a moment of pause before you speak again, "Okay, I want to thank you all for fixing the windows and getting me home, but I wish to take a shower and wash the smell of the hospital out of my soul," you say giving Soap a quick hug and heading up the stairs.

Soap laughs, "Oh, THAT'S what that smell was!"

You run down the stairs and playfully punch him in the arm before gracefully going back up the stairs.

He chuckles while leaving the house. You go into the bathroom, smelling your hair products and perfume, feeling in complete bliss. You turn on the shower and hop right in. Standing under the water and tilting your head back is the best feeling in the world. You never thought in a million years, you'd miss this shower so damn much.

The sound of clothes hitting the bathroom floor fills your stomach with butterflies. Even through the sounds of the water come down, you hear his foot steps on the wet tiles, putting a smile on your face.

He lifts your chin up a bit and kisses you passionately. As he pulls away, you lick your lower lip and groan, "We've kissed many times in the hospital, but for some reason this feels like the first time we've kissed in over a month."

He says nothing and grabs your shampoo, lathering it into your hair while massaging your scalp. Ghost grins while listening to your breathy moans that push through. He gently tilts your head back, rinising away everything. You open your eyes to him, getting your conditioner and coming back to you, "Close your eyes, love."

He watches a delicate smile come onto your beautiful supple lips as he works the conditioner in before rinising it out. You open your eyes and go to reach for your body wash, but he gently brings you to the shower wall before getting the soap. He starts at your shoulders, working in small teasing circles all while lathering up your curvaceous body and going all the way down to your feet. The comforting smell and the feeling of his touch are beyond words.

He takes your hand and brings you back into the water, letting it all wash away. You bring your arm to your nose and take pleasure in smelling like yourself again. It's the little things in life that make it worth living. You grab some shampoo and come towards him playfully.

"Alright, alright," he says, relequishing his power to you. His hands rest on your hips as he closes his eyes, feeling you work it in, feeling the suds coming down by his ears and neck. A sudden tight squeeze on your body brings your eyes down to his big hands, grabbing the meat on your bones, with strong desire. You tilt his head and wash away not only the shampoo but also everything that has happened since he received that note on the mission.

The entire time you're working in the conditioner before lathering up his body with the soap, he feels at peace. When both of you are all clean, you hand him a towel as he turns off the shower. You take a deep breath in and exhale in happiness, "It feels great to be home."

He turns you around and picks you up. Your legs instinctually navigate their way around his hips and your arms around the back of his neck. You giggle as he brings you over to the bed, gently placing you down. Your legs open wide for him to lower his head in between them. He can't control himself with subtleties for his hungry tongue, which craves your taste.

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