Chapter 13 Dicey Games

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You wake up several hours later with Ghost, "Simon, Baby. We can't sleep no more, but also....I'm feeling lustful."

Ghost groans, "There isn't enough time to do that, plus I need to get up and leave fairly soon."

You kiss Ghost, "You sure we couldn't do something.....quickly?"

Ghost shakes his head, "I want to take my time if I'm going to fuck you right." 

You stand up huffing and cursing under your breath as you head into the bathroom and turn on the shower. He gets up and undress next to you while your leaning against the sink still grumbling.

Ghost steps into the shower as you watch the water cascade down his head, neck, abs, and his fully engorged member. You undress really quickly, run into the shower and start kissing him, ginding your hips into his member. Ghost smiles as he pins you against the shower wall, "Needy girls don't get what they want."

With his dominant voice in your ear and his hot breath on your neck, your center is begging with your breath accelerating. Ghost pulls away from you and goes back to showering.

You bring your body infront of him sliding his member inbetween your legs as you bend over, "Oops, my bad." 

Ghost moves out of your way but he's now watching you closely.

With you in the direct water flow, you start to wash your hair, making little soft moans as you work it into a lather. Then you grab the body wash and drizzle it all over your breasts, making little surprised noises with gasping on the side. Ghost watches you lather yourself up as he's trying to contain himself.

You wash off your body while glancing at Ghost's member throbbing at this point.

A smile comes across your face, "I'm done, waters all yours."

You grab a towel on your way out of the bathroom. Ghost just stands there in the water breathing heavily. He knows exactly what you're doing and if you keep this up, there will be consequences to pay.

He gets out of the shower and into the bedroom. He starts putting pants on as he sees your long wet curls draping over your side. You slowly put on a floral black lace stocking on your foot and slowly pulling it up your leg. With the next stocking in hand, you put it on your foot and slowly move it up your other leg. Once you reach the highest point on the stocking, you pull it up and let it snap back down on your skin.

Your hair flips to the other side flaunting what it was hiding. Ghost takes a step back as his eyes feast on a black lace bra with a satin bow inbetween your breasts. He watches as you clip the stockings onto the satin garter belt hugging your waist down to the middle of your hips.

You stand up, looking at Ghost, "Something wrong?"

Ghost shakes his head. You start putting on a red flowy skirt that ends half way up your thigh while Ghost makes a gumbling noise.

You look over at him, "Are you okay?" 

Ghost swallows, "Ahhhh you're forgetting panties."

You shake your head, "No I'm not. I just don't feel like wearing any today."

Ghost's breathing becomes deep and lustful. You put on a tight black shirt, tucking it into the skirt, creating the perfect silhouette for your stunning figure.

With Ghost fuming and his pants becoming uncomfortable, he leaves the house without saying another word to you. You fall back on the bed laughing so hard your ribs start hurting.

Several hours into preping and with day turning into night, your doorbell rings. You open the door to Soap with his friends and König trailing behind. Soap comes up to you and kisses you on the cheek, "(Y/N)! These are my friends I was telling you about and of course you remember Vargas."

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