Chapter 1 Adventitious(König)

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You come home from a tough day at work. All you want to do is sleep and start in on your long weekend. As you get closer, you see lights in your living room, which can only mean one thing, Ghost is back!

You run inside and find him in the kitchen, not noticing the darkness over shadowing him, "Baby!!"

Ghost remains eerily silent. You walk up to him slowly, watching his eyes and his hands, wondering if his mind has taken over.

"Simon, my love?"

Still no response. You put your hand on his shoulder, reciting the words that always brings him out, "It's okay. Everything's okay. Come back to me."

Ghost yanks his body away from your touch. You come back, wrapping your arms around him, holding on firmly, "Simon, talk to me."

Something is wrong. He's not coming back. You see that his mind is winning the battle today, "Simon?"

Ghost rips your arms off of him as his breathing speeds up. You try to meet his eyes in complete desperation, "Simon, my love?"

Ghost picks up the vase with the lilies, "WHY ARE THESE HERE?!"

"König gave them to me the other day. What's wrong?"

Consumed by rage, Ghost throws the vase against the wall, spraying glass, water, and petals everywhere. You take a step back in shock, "Simon, come back to me."

"ARE YOU FUCKING HIM?!" Ghost screams at you.

Outside a few blocks away Soap and König are heading over to take you to karaoke night at the pub. The closer they get to the house, they start hearing Ghost yelling.

König heads towards the back entrance while Soap goes to the front door.

"Why are you asking me this, sweetie?" You speak, completely blindsided as to where this is coming from.

"YOU'RE BLOODY LYING TO ME!!" Ghost yells.

"I'm not seeing anyone but you," you say softly as you wrap your arms around him again, "Your mind is playing tricks on you. It's okay, my love."

Ghost can't hear your words just his own mind making its own uninvited logic.

"STOP FUCKING TOUCHING ME!" Ghost shouts as he shoves you so hard it causes you to hit the wall and fall down onto the broken glass. König sees the altercation and immediately lets himself in the sliding door and comes running over to you, "(Y/N)? (Y/N)? You okay?"

Soap comes in the front door and sees you on the floor, in a pile of broken glass and lilies with König checking for injuries.

Ghost turns to you with so much anger in his eyes, "HERE'S YOUR BOYFRIEND!!!"

You look at König as you pick yourself up, "You need to leave. You two being here is only making things worse."

König shakes his head, "Your hands are bleeding....Nein! I'm not leaving you alone."

You look down and see glass shards sticking out of the palm of your hands from the fall as blood runs down your fingertips creating droplets on the floor.

While König just wants to help, it starts feeding into Ghosts irrational thoughts, "YOU CAN FUCKING HAVE HER, KÖNIG!"

"Simon, you don't mean that. You're not getting rid of me, remember? You're stuck with me."

Soap inches his way closer to you, hoping to remove you from this volatile environment. He knows that you've pulled Ghost out of his head before, but something seems different this time and Soap's only instinct right now is to get you to safety.

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