Chapter 11 Hard Truths

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A week goes by and you don't see or hear from Ghost. Your days at work just turn into one giant lump that never ends but it keeps you from laying in bed all day.

Saturday comes and you have a lot of clients. You've been too depressed to eat much the last week or take care of yourself properly so you just get dressed and head out. After finishing your tiresome day, you walk out the door and start to lock up.

There's a feeling of being watched running into you as the door locks and you turn around seeing Ghost. At this point you feel very uneasy. Why is he here? You think to yourself as you stare at him not saying a single word. You don't know what to do, so you start to walk home with him following by your side.

The pit in your stomach returns but you can't help it. You have to know, "Are we ok?"

Ghost looks at you but doesn't say anything which makes your heart sting because it doesn't answer your question.

After getting inside the house, you head upstairs, fall into bed and sulk with a hint of depression. As you lay in bed trying to keep your emotions in check, you hear Ghost coming into your bedroom, going straight to the bathroom and turning the shower on. You feel his presence right next to you as you keep your eyes tightly shut. If you don't see him maybe he will go away.

Ghost starts pulling on your arm, but you yank it away. The immense feeling of guilt comes over you for destroying what you had with him. He pulls on your arm again but this time he holds so tightly you can't escape his grip.

You look at him, "LEAVE ME ALONE!"

Ghost keeps the tension on your arm starting to pull a bit tighter making you fall off of the bed.

"Fine! What the fuck do you want?!" You shout.

Ghost leads you to the shower and starts to remove your shirt then he goes to remove your pants but you pull away, "Don't! Just leave me, alright? I'll take a shower."

Ghost tries to remove your pants again as you quickly yank back turning away from him, "If you want me to shower then you need to leave!"

Ghost becomes concerned but leaves the bathroom. You get undressed and go into the shower. You sit on the ground with the water hitting your head as you tuck your knees to your chest.

The water cascades down hiding your tears and drowns out noises. The water does such a good job at hiding outside noises, you don't hear Ghost joining you. He sits down with you inbetween his legs. As soon as you feel his body touch yours, you quickly move to the corner of the shower, still on the ground. Just as quickly as you move away, you put your knees to your chest, "GET OUT!"

Ghost stares at you, reading your soul like an open book.

"Please. Just leave me, okay?" You plead.

Ghost is still reading your book.

"Please. You don't have to be here. I don't need you," you say as the water no longer hides your tears.

Ghost stands up and walks over to you. He offers you his hand, but you just look the other way and put your head down on your knees as if you're protecting your heart.

Ghost grabs your arm and forcibly makes you stand up, exposing what you were hiding. You try to cover yourself with one arm but it's no use, Ghost's eyes are already locked on the tops of your thighs.

He becomes grief-stricken as he sees a few new marks on your legs. With him staring, you yank your arm but it doesn't free you from his grasp. You start crying even harder, "Please, just go."

You feel your legs giving as you start to slide down the side of the shower onto the ground with one arm still being held up. Your legs tuck to your chest and your head tucks back down on your knees as you succumb to the fact that he probably feels pity now.

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