Chapter 7 Enduring Agony

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Once you get back to the hotel and in your room, you're pacing back and forth. You want to talk to König but you don't even know what to say. You also want to rip his head off. Out of the extreme need for someone to talk too, you call Ghost. The phone rings but he doesn't answer. You feel your heart racing and your breathing short like your lungs are choking. You need to talk to someone. You call Soap and he answers.

"Hey, (Y/N)! How's the trip so far?" Soap says cheerfully. It's at this point you can't control your emotions any longer and the tears just come down like a monsoon. You try to speak but your lungs can't get air.

"Hey, hey, hey, What's wrong?" Soap says concerned.

"I....I.....," You're trying so hard but it feels impossible.

Soap gets scared as he hears you hyperventilating while sobbing, "Breathe in.........Breathe out.......Please tell me what's going on."

As you breathe in and out, you form words, "I.....König.....another woman."

Soap is trying not to jump to conclusions, "Breathe in.........Breathe out...........What about this woman?"

As you breath in and out you have just enough air to get the words out, "I think König cheated on me."

Soap angry but deeply confused as to why König would do that to you, "Tell me what happened."

"I overheard a woman from the base König is stationed at, talking to her friends about having sex with him, calling him by name, describing his tattoos and the woman said König was going to leave me for her," Getting all of this out took what air you had left as you gasp for air.

"Hey, hey, listen to my voice, ok? Just take a deep breathe in..........and out. I'm right here with you. Again, deep breath in.........and out. Focus on your breathing, slow deep breaths. Are you with me?" Soap says while trying to grasp everything you just said.

"I am," you say with your breathing more controlled but the tears still flowing. "I'm supposed to see him tonight. I don't know what to do. Do I ask him about it? I feel so alone," you say in anguish.

"Where are you staying?" Soap demands

You tell him the hotel you're at,  "Please tell me what to do."

Soap now determined more than ever, "Stay in your room, I'm coming!"

"Johnny, Please please please tell me what to say to König! My mind is everywhere, PLEASE tell me."

"You stay in your room, I will find a way to you. Stay put! That's my advice. I will text you when I'm there," Soap says before hanging up.

You lay in bed crying wondering how did this happen.

As you lay there almost lifeless, all concept of time is lost as the evening approaches. You're crying so much the tears stop because you have no more tears left. Your eyes are dry but your heart in shambles. This can't be happening. I have to talk with him but I can't look him in the face just yet.

Your phone chimes, you recieved a text from König: I'm about to leave base. Seeing his text makes your whole body hurt. You have to know if all of this is real so you call König.

König answers his phone, "Hey, did you get my text? I'm about to leave base to get you. I need to talk to you."

His voice hurts more than you thought it would, but you have to know the truth," Who is Samantha?"

König becomes silent so you ask again, "Who is Samantha, König?"

König's heart dropped, he doesn't want to lie but the tone of your voice tells him you found out before he could talk to you.

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