Chapter 2 Protection

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It's a nice Saturday evening at your place, and König is having a poker game going with Soap, Ghost, and a new recruit. They're all having a good time drinking and losing their paychecks to König. You're in the kitchen enjoying your glass of wine and drawing a design for a client.

"I fold!" Says the new recruit.

"Ahhh, come on! Don't be like that!" Laughs König.

"I'm going to get another beer. Does anybody else want one?" Says the recruit.

They all shake their heads. The recruit gets up and heads straight for the kitchen.

"Hi Ma'am."

"Oh! Hi! Please don't call me Ma'am, makes me feel old. You can call me     (Y/N)."

"My apologies, Ma'a------(Y/N)."

"Don't worry about it. I need to have the same conversation with Soap," you giggle. The recruit slides right up next to you, looking at your tablet.

"What are you drawing?" He says in a low tone.

"My client wants an octopus tattoo on their bicep with the tentacles wrapping around their arm."

The recruit moves in closing the already small gap between you two, now touching your arm moving down to your hand, "you draw really well," he says.

Why are you touching me? You think as you take a step over creating distance from him.

"Thanks." You say without emotion.

The recruit moves over, again, closing the gap between you two, "Maybe you can tattoo me sometime."

The tone in his voice is starting to make you feel uncomfortable, not to mention the constant lack of distance.

"Maybe," you say, hoping he will leave.

"I know where your shop is. Maybe I'll stop by." He says now in a seductive tone.

"Don't bother." You sternly tell him.

"Oh, come on. You don't have to be like that." The recruit says with a smirk.

"You're just as pretty as König says you are." Him pressing his body against your side.

König notices the recruit didn't return. He looks up at the kitchen and sees the recruit right up against you. Your eyes meet with König. He gives you this intense look as if to communicate with his eyes, asking,'Are you ok?' You shake your head 'no'. König immediately gets up and heads over.

"I bet I could make you happier than----," König suddenly pushes the recruit back before he could finish what he was saying, standing in between the two of you.

"Get your hands off of her!" König shouts.

Soap and Ghost stand up quickly, witnessing everything. König grabs the recruit by the collar, dragging him to the door and throwing him out.

"We'll make sure he leaves," says Soap.

Both Ghost and Soap head out the door, picking up the recruit. Soap leans back inside the door, "Bye, (Y/N)!"

After Soap leaves, König shuts the door. He turns and runs to you, embracing you tightly.

"Mein Liebling(My Darling), I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" He says while holding you tighter and tighter.

"I-think so..." You say shaking.

König breaks the embrace and looks at you with so much guilt. You know it isn't his fault, you're just happy he's here.

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