Chapter 3 Home Sweet Home

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After the warehouse, König takes you home. You get up to the front door taking a deep breath in and open it.

"You ok?"  he asks gently.
You nod your head, "Mmmmhmmmm."

As you both walk in, König looks at your home differently. He doesn't really live here but he spends a lot of time at your place. He knows what it always looks like and now König notices the settle changes because Ghost couldn't replace everything exactly the way it was. To König the place feels different. He keeps imaging you being in that situation alone as his hands touch the bedroom door.

You lock up the door and find König staring a million miles away.

"Sweetness?" You say as you touch his arm. He jerks back as he comes back down to the present. König looks down and sees the damage on your knuckles. He grabs your hand and guides you into the livingroom.

"Let's get you fixed up," he says while ushering you to the couch.  He runs and grabs the first aid kit. You get up quickly and retrieve a sewing kit. As you come back, König is staring at the fish tank with amusement. You sit him down on the couch and straddle his lap, with him giving you all his undivided attention, you start to clean him. His hands are bruised and cut up with dried blood on them. You stare at them wondering if those two jerks are alive based on how his hands look.

"They're alive but only because Price pulled me off." König says staring into your eyes wondering if that's what you're thinking about.

After you clean and wrap him up, König takes your hands and cleans them well before wrapping them up. You now aim for his mask that is partially torn. You can't make out much under it but you know it means a lot to him so it's imperative to fix it.

Your hands reach up his face as you pull up the mask exposing his cut lip you didn't notice at the warehouse. You kiss his chin tenderly as you can see swelling. You take some bandage tape to close up the cut on his lip after cleaning it. He doesn't wince or flinch as you clean his wounds.

You reach to pull the mask up higher but he grabs your wrist preventing you to go any further. That motion causes you to yank your wrist out of his hand. The idea of someone just grabbing your wrist unexpectedly is still a tender one.

König immediately removes his hand as he realizes what he did. In an attempt to preserve his sense of security, he hurt yours. He kisses you on the cheek, making your eyes meet with his. You notice his eyes have so much sorrow in them.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that. I know what the mask means to you. If you'll let me, I think I can repair it without you having to take it off," you say with your head down.

König puts his hand under your chin lifting your face up to meet his eyes, "You NEVER have to apologize to me or anyone."  He puts his hands under you back side, locking his fingers together and picking you up so you can repair his mask with it still on. König looks at you with so much care and compassion as you fix his mask.

"All done," you softly spoke.

As he sets you back down onto his lap. You collapse on his chest with your head on his heart, slowly drifting away.

"(Y/N)?" König asks gently.

You mumble, "hmmm?"

"When did you get a fish tank?" König says staring over at the goldfish swimming around.

"Ha! That's Ghosty, Soapy and Frootloops," You say as you fall fast asleep.

König completely confused, "Frootloops?! Whose Frootloops?!"

König picks you up and tucks you into bed.  He comes into the livingroom and heads straight to the fish tank, "Which one of you is Frootloops?!" König giggles as he crawls in bed next to you holding on to you so tightly never wanting to let go.

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