Chapter 2 United Front (Ghost)

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The plane lands on the base airfield. Once it rolls to a stop, Ghost stands up, stretching out the kinks in his back from the rough ride, with you doing the same before he escorts you out of the plane. Your ears are ridiculously thankful for the normal soft noises after the planes roaring.

You stand still under the clear night sky that's teeming with stars in every direction. Not knowing where to go while watching everyone around you move with great purpose, Ghost approaches a small group of lieutenants. You look at their uniforms being different than what you're used to seeing. Ghost turns to you and gestures to come over. You quickly walk over with a heartwarming smile that everyone picks up on, "Hello!"

The small group shakes your hand with one of the men pulling you close to him while whispering in your ear, "So you're the woman Ghost demanded to have by his side. I can see why."

Your smile starts to fade with the words being spoken to you in his odd tone as the lieutenant releases your hand, letting you go back to Ghost's side, where you instantly feel at ease. When the group walks off into the distance, Ghost leans by your ear, "What did he say to you?"

"I'll tell you later. Where do I go?"

Ghost takes in your perfume, causing his eyes to roll into the back of his head, "Follow me, babe."

He pulls away and starts walking with you, following behind acting as his shadow. Past the airfield and into a very large facility that after three turns you're severely lost, but eventually you find yourself outside with a black sedan pulling up. The car stops, and a recruit tosses the keys to Ghost. The car isn't something you've seen before, triggering you to scan every curve and dip, cataloging it in your minds ever-growing collection of cars that you like as you walk around the entirety of it before your eyes lock on a name Astra.

Ghost opens the door for you, "Let's get to the flat that we'll be staying in."

You sit on the soft car seat, noticing right away that the steering wheel is on the passengers side. While you obviously know that's how things are done over here, it still feels put out of place, making the chances of multiple double takes to happen every time you get distracted. Ghost gets in and starts driving off. The street lights reveal a beautiful and rustic city. Ghost places his hand on your thigh, bringing your attention to him.

"So what did he say to you?" He asks curiously.

"Ahhh, he told me that you demanded for me to come with you...." He nods.

"Annnnd he said, 'I can see why'."

Ghost's eye starts twitching in anger, "I see."

You place your hand on his that's squeezing your thigh gently, "It beautiful here!"

The drive doesn't last for more than ten minutes before pulling to the side of a large stone house with several doors and an old wooden gate on the side. You open the car door and can't help but admire its charm.

You grab your stuff and follow Ghost to a door furthest from the car, right up against the wooden gate that draws your eyes to its weathered condition. He opens up the door to the flat and walks in as you just peek your head in, being cautious for no good reason, before entering.

The place is beyond cozy with wooden old world floors and a warm feel to it. You put your stuff down and close the door behind you. There are so many things to take in and absorb, like the cute couch for two and the antique teal coffee table. You start walking into the kitchen as you see a sleak glass top stove with beautiful oak cabinets. Ghost leans against the bedroom door, smiling while watching you cautiously explore, "I know this isn't home, but I think it will grow on you."

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