Chapter 3 Disquietude (Ghost)

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While you and Ghost were gone, Soap would come by every other day to feed the fish. He did set them up on the automatic feeders when he came to the wedding, but he quickly returned back to his duties once he got home. König on the other hand, desperately wants into your place to see if there's something he can use to get you back. He knows you'll be back soon, so it's now or never. He waits for Soap to head back to his dorm after coming back from taking care of the fish.

"Soap!" König says while letting himself into his room.

Soap sets the key down inside of a desk drawer, "König, what do you want?"

"Oh, I was wondering if I can use your computer?"

Soap looks a bit confused but is pressed for time, "Sure, but be quick about and lock up after you're done."

As soon as Soap leaves his dorm König quickly picks up the key and heads out on this bold quest of his. Once inside the your house, he looks through your books, seeing a collection of rocks and down two selves on the book case, he sees your graphic novels, which have new additions among them, that Ghost got you.

König shakes his head, trying to figure out what his plan of attack is to get you back into his arms.

He goes upstairs, figuring he can find more clues to win you back. Going over to what used to be his side of the bed, he opens the nightstand, seeing a couple of random things, including some unledgable written notes in Ghost's handwritting. König shuts the drawer in resentment, rolling his eyes, but his stare softens as he goes over to your side.

He opens up your nightstand and finds sweet floral lotion, many chapsticks, and a scary looking vibrator. König pulls it out, looking at it with wide eyes before putting it back, "Hand...of....the....Gods.....
....Keine Scheiße(No Shit)!"

As he slides it back in, something catches his eye. He pulls out a journal. A battle between his heart and head ensues on whether reading this is wrong, but at this point, he's desperate.

He opens it up and sees it's not very old. It becomes obvious as he reads it that you only write when you're having a bad day. As he goes through it, he finds sadness about him and Samantha. About the marks on your legs. About you telling Ghost that you love him and he freaks out leaving. The last entry is about the time König found you at Dave's.

It breaks his heart now, knowing the actual meaning behind the marks on the tops of your thighs. He stands up and starts going through the closet, getting this feeling that there's more of these journals somewhere, and he wants to know what you won't tell him. He finds a box and opens it up. To his surprise, he finds that the contents of said box are completely full of your old journals.

He sits down on the floor and starts going through them, one by one. The more he reads, the more horrified he becomes, but it doesn't stop him from quickly grabbing another one. He's now hooked on the tragedy that
is your past. He wonders if his heart can take anymore, but only one journal remains in the box, so he picks it up willingly and dives into it.

As he starts reading it, he recognizes a name being mentioned for the first time in your books, Tom. He feverishly reads through all the pages, finding out about everything Tom did. His mind fills with rage and hurt as he continues to read, getting lost in his head about your past.

Meanwhile, you and Ghost open the front door, happy to be home.

"I'm going upstairs. I'm tired," you say in a soft, exhausted voice.

Ghost brings you back, lifting his mask and kissing you deeply before pulling away, "I'm going to get a snack. I'll meet you up there."

You slowly go up the stairs, already winding down for bed until your eyes instantly lock on to the horror in front of you, seeing König on the floor with all your journals spread out while he's reading them under the faint light of the nightstand lamp. Your whole body freezes, partially in panic and partially in wrath, with your eyes darting between your journals scattered everywhere and König.

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