Chapter 16 Standby

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The next day arrives and you're woken up by Ghost's phone going off. You look at the clock, "Who's calling you at 3AM?"

Ghost kisses your neck before removing his grip from you and grabbing his phone. He lets out a downhearted sigh before getting up and answering it while heading downstairs. You being curious, start crawling to the stair railing and just sit there.

You hear Ghost talking, "Yes, sir. For how long? Yes, sir. I'll report to base right now."

You feel your heart drop as you know exactly what that means, he's going on a mission. Ghost hangs up, sighing once more. He turns to the base of the stairs while looking down, as he's not looking forward to telling you the news, but as he stands at the bottom step, he looks up at your sorrowful face. Ghost makes his way up the stairs, sitting next to you.

You place your hand on this leg, "How long?"

Ghost puts his head on your shoulder, "A month." Your eyes close shut, trying to keep your emotions surpressed.

"Is Soap and König going?" You ask.

"Just me and a team," Ghost says in a low tone.

You lean your head on his, "You leave right now, huh?"

Ghost speaks in such misery, "I have to report to base right now and I leave in two hours."

You straddle Ghost's lap as you embrace him for as long as you can with his arms wrapping around you. You'll never let go, so you dread for him to break your embrace. After a few mintues, you feel him letting go. You take a deep breath in and release your arms from his body.

Your eyes meet with his, "Please be safe for me, okay?" Ghost nods while you remove your body from his lap.

You sit there by the stair railing as he gets up and goes into the closet to get his tactical gear on. Ghost reappears back at your side, all dressed up and in a moment of need, he wraps his hand behind your neck and pulls your lips into his. Being away from you for any length of time is hard on him, but the idea of a whole month kills him. He worries, if he'll forget your touch and taste or the sweet smell of the purfume on your soft skin. Your body melts in his firm grasp and soft kiss. He breaks away and starts heading down the stairs. You follow behind, watching him put his mask on.

He opens the door and stands there half in and half out. Just standing there frozen in place. Suddenly, he turns around before lifitng his mask up and kissing you with such fervent love, for in that kiss your hearts become one. He pulls away and walks out the door, leaving your full heart to become half empty, yearning for the other half to come back.

The next few days drag on as you miss Ghost terribly. Work helps, but it's not nearly enough like a bandaid on a bullet wound. Friday evening comes and after you finish your last client, you lock up and head home.

You walk inside, immediately falling to your knees letting tears come through. The idea of Ghost being gone for so long, just hurts your soul. You hear a knock at the door as you pick yourself and take a deep breath in, but once open, your anguished face that's wet with tears is met with König's masked face. He quickly lets himself in, shutting the door behind him.

König drops to his knees and takes off his mask, "What's wrong, Schatz?"

You fall back onto the floor with your head hung low, "I miss Simon, so much."

König sits down next to you on the floor, "I'm sorry. Come on lets sit on the couch."

Your face never looks up, "I don't feel like moving."

König releases a disheartened sigh, he never likes seeing you sad, "Okay, then we stay here."

He places his hand on your shoulder, but the feeling of his hand reminds you of Ghost causing you start crying harder, pulling your knees to your chest. König scoots closer to you and surrounds you with his arms, resting his head on your upper back. He holds you so gently, trying to figure out how to make you happy. A little part of him wonders if this is how you felt everytime he went away. The thought of you being this broken and sad everytime he had a mission tears his heart apart.

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