Chapter 10 Pushing Back

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Two weeks go by with you not hearing from Soap or Ghost. Your home feels oddly quiet, but you're ok with it.

You get home from work, and it's a Thursday night. You get comfy and put Dawn of the Dead on. As you start watching it, you hear a light knock on the door.

You look out the peephole and open the door, "Ghost! OH MY GOD! Are you ok? What happened?!"

Ghost comes limping in with a black eye that you can see on his exposed face, and his arm is in a sling. You quickly put yourself under his free arm and help him into the guest room, sitting him down on the bed as he groans from the pain.

"Sorry, sorry!" You say trying to avoid hurting him.

Ghost now sitting on the side of the bed, you crouch down with your hands on his thighs, "What happened?" Ghost turns away from you.

"Ok, not my place, but is it ok if I take off your uniform?" Ghost nods.

You stand on your knees and gently take off his mask that's covered in dirt and blood. It's far worse than just a black eye. He has several cuts on his face and lip with bruises on his eye and neck.

"One second, ok?" You get up quickly and grab the first aid kit from the kitchen.

As you come back to Ghost, you see him trying to take off his uniform.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Let me help you," you say while putting his good arm down.

Ghost pushes you in a hostile way. Having you help him makes him feel weak.

"Look Butthole, you can't just walk in here and not expect me to help. I can take the silent treatment, but it's not okay to push me. I just want to help you. Let me help you," you bark at him.

Ghost lets out a loud sigh, returning his arm by his side.

"Thank you," you say gently.

You carefully remove his dirty tactical vest and jacket, revealing so much dried blood and tears along his shirt. You notice his tattooed arm has a few superfical cuts.

"I'm really sorry, but I think it will be easier for you if I cut off your shirt."

You get up and run to the junk drawer in the kitchen, grabbing scissors and running back to him. You carefully cut off his shirt exposing bruises and taped up gauze everywhere. You have no idea what he went through but seeing his body this injured makes you want to cry. I need to keep it together, don't cry. DON'T CRY!

"I'm going to take off your pants but you're going to have to help me, Okay?" You say to Ghost meeting with his eyes. He nods.

Ghost is use to dealing with his own wounds by himself but he has never had someone like you in his life. His mind wanted to leave you out of it and just stay in his dorm but something inside of him was compelled to show up at your door.

You start to untie his shoes and carefully remove each one along with his socks. You notice that the foot he's limping on is wrapped up. You stand on your knees and bend over his leg to undo his button and zipper.

You look up at Ghost, "Help me a bit, okay?"

Ghost groans as he stands up putting his unwrapped hand on your shoulder while you peel off his pants gently. Once you get them past his knees, he sits back down. You already see guaze in three different spots on his thighs. His pants come down to his ankles exposing bruises on the leg he is limping on. You take his pants off.

"I'm going to take care of your wounds so don't push me," you say harshly. The guaze on his body looks clean, he probably had that done in the last couple of hours.

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