Chapter 6 Long Awaited Trip

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A few days go by and you're counting down the days, no the minutes till you get to see König! You didn't hear from him since the last call but he's probably busy. As you head to work the world seems brighter and more vivid but time can't move fast enough.

After you finish work, König calls. OMG! OMG! OMG!! "HELLO!!" You say while doing a happy dance.

"Hi, Schatz." König says with a tone you don't recongize almost sad but angry.

You start to worry that the plans have changed, "Hey, everything ok? Are we still on for me to come over?"

"Yeah we're still on............
..." König says with a long pause.

You're completely confused, Maybe he's having a bad day? "Ich liebe dich(I love you)."

König's heart sinks, "I have to go."

Before you can get a single word out, he hangs up. He has never acted like this before, so distant and cold. I wish I was there to hug him, you think to yourself as you enter your home.

You start putting on your pjs and settling in for the night. Someone knocks on your door. You come down and look in the peep hole, it's Soap. You open the door, "Hey Soap, come on in."

"Thank you, (Y/N)!" Soap says more coherently.

"Do you have any stories for me?" You ask, desperately needing a distraction from König's odd behavior.

"NO!" Shouts Soap, "Well......Ok there's this one girl named Courtney, she likes pony you know what pony play is?"

"Yes," you say excited to hear this one.

"So there I was with leather horse ears on, a bit in my mouth and a saddle on my back..." Soap says staring into your eyes trying to use you as a focus point.

After Soap's fascinating story you feel tired, "I'm going to bed."

Soap completely shocked, "But it's Friday, you have plans for tomorrow?"

"My only plan is sleeping in," you laugh.

As you get up, Soap stands up with you. "Can I sleep on the floor again?"

"Come on pony boy," you say laughing hysterically.

"No fair!......No, that's fair," Soap says giggling.

You tuck yourself back into bed with Soap curling up on the floor like a dog.

You turn around and see him fast alseep. He's a strange man, you think to yourself.

When you wake in the morning it's around 11AM. You feel refreshed and well rested. You make sure this time to not step on Soap but when you look down he's gone. "He must have left while I was sleeping."

You start to get up and stretch. There's a wonderful smell that fills your nose. I know that smell. BACON!! You run downstairs and see Soap cooking breakfast, as you come around the corner you head directly to the plate of perfectly cooked bacon.

"Mmmmmmmm Oh My God!" You say as you hover over the plate with 2 pieces in your hands.

"Help yourself!" Soap laughs.

"Sorry...." You say with a mouth full of bacon.

Soap laughs at you try to talk, "Figured I owe you breakfast. Did I talk a lot last night?"

A big smile came across your face.

Soap gets worried, "What did I say?!"

With a big smile still on your face, "I'll never say..........Pony Boy!"

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