Chapter 14 Mistrust

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The morning comes, and you find yourself still in Ghost's arms, tucked into his chest. You unravel one of your arms, wrapping it around his body, waking him up.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you," you say as you start to pull your arm back.

Ghost grabs your hand and pulls it back around him while he rests his chin on your head.

As you're embracing, your phone chimes.

Ghost holds onto you tightly, "Ignore it."

You hold onto him as your phone chimes three more times.

Ghost lets you go, "Go answer it."

You flip onto your stomach as you grab the phone. Ghost lays on the side of you, pulling your tank top straps down as he kisses your shoulder blades and neck. Your phone says you have four text messages from König: Hey, I'm at the store. Are you craving anything?
König: You want fruit?
König: Bread?
König: You know what? I think I will get you a little bit of everything and I will cook you dinner.

You sigh, "I forgot about König. He came by yesterday, saying he was going to buy me food today, and it looks like dinner is now involved as well."

You show Ghost the texts from König.
Ghost continues to kiss your shoulder as he reads the texts, "It's okay, Love. I need to go back to the base anyway and take care of something, but I will come back with Soap. We can make an evening out of it."

Ghost sees what König is trying to do. He doesn't want you to be all by yourself tonight, without someone to protect you from König.

You put your phone down, turning to him, "Mmmmmm, do we have time for some fun?"

Feeling his kisses on your skin makes your center feel good since your fall.

Ghost kisses you on your lips before pulling away, "Not till your body is healed."

You groan in disappointment. Ghost starts to get up with you getting a little worried, "Are we okay?"

Ghost turns around, looking into your nervous eyes, "We're more than okay."

He strokes your hair and smiles at you before getting dressed. You start to get up and head to the bathroom. The shower is smaller than the master and you've never been a big fan of it. You start to undress before turning on the water. You step in, loving the perfect temperature the water is at as you close your eyes, letting the warm water run down your body.

Ghost comes in and leans against the bathroom sink, arms crossed, just watching you. You feel his eyes staring into you even though your eyes are closed. Your hand moves up to the glass that lines the shower, pressing your palm against it while you wash your hair. Ghost moves closer to you.

When you open your eyes up, you see his hand is against the glass right over yours. Your whole body turns to him while at the same time displaying an affectionate smile. His eyes grow soft as he removes his hand and leaves the bathroom.

Climbing out of the shower, you feel light-headed. With your body and hair all washed, you wrap a towel around yourself and lean against the bathroom sink. You feel the need to sit down as you start to lean against the door frame, sliding down to the ground. Ghost comes running up to you from the kitchen.

"I feel lightheaded, Simon."

Ghost quickly picks you up and places you onto the bed, wrapping you up in your favorite blanket. He runs out of the room and comes back with some water and an orange.

"I'm going to stay. You're not feeling well," Ghost says tenderly.

You shake your head, "No need. I'll be fine. I just want you to find your way back to me at the end of the day."

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