Chapter 8 Numbing the Pain

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The morning sun shines in your face as you wake up. You stretch your arms and legs out while on your side. As you do this, you feel an arm on your waist pulling you back in. You look at your stomach and see Ghost's hand wrapped around you, pulling you back against his body. For some reason, his embrace feels different. It feels human and not cold.

You try to break free, but the moment you create a gap, he pulls you back in.

You go to look at him, and his eyes are closed. Is he sleeping? He can't be doing this unconsciously, can he?

You try one more time as you put one foot and one hand on the edge of the bed pulling to escape, but his strength is no match for you as you get pulled back in.

"I'm starting to feel like a security blanket," you quietly laugh.

You lightly touch his hand holding you close to him, trying to pry his fingers off of you, but his grip tightens as he holds you in place, rotating the both of you from being on right side of the bed to now the left side. Haha, this has to be a joke! You think to yourself, and you rotate your side, so instead of being a little spoon, you're now facing him. He pulls you in closer to where his chin rests on top of your head.

"Ok, Ghost, set me free, please," you say quietly as you try to push off of his chest to break free.

Ghost mumbles something incoherently as he pulls you against his chest. You close your eyes. His whole body rotates upwards while holding you in place. When he stopped moving, you don't want to open your eyes. You can tell you're in a compromising position as you feel his body in between your legs. You open your eyes slowly only to find what you dreaded was correct. You're staring at Ghost sleeping while you're straddling him.

You break your arms free from his grip and start pushing on his chest. Both his hands are now wrapping around your lower waist, holding you in place.

"Ummmm, Ghost.....please wake up," you say a little louder. Ghost starts to open his eye as he's now making direct eye contact with you, straddling his lower waist and his hands wrapped tightly around you. His hands quickly let go of you.

"Oh, thank goodness you woke up," you say, laughing. Ghost just looks at you on top of him.

"What? Oh Shit sorry!" You say as you realize you're still sitting on top of him. As you move your body off of him, Ghost is fighting the urge to put his hands on you and put you back on top of him.

"Sorry again, I was trying to get up, but it seems your unconscious mind wasn't allowing it," you whisper as you get out of bed and head upstairs to take a shower.

Ghost just lays there frozen in time. He wasn't aware his body did that to you. Like deep down, he didn't want you to leave.

Once you get out of the shower and dressed, you come back down, noticing Ghost and his things are gone. "That's weird, I hope he wasn't weirded out by what happened this morning. It's not like he was doing it on purpose."

You sit down on the couch and text Ghost: Hey, where did you go?

"Ok, well, I have 2 weeks to figure out my life out. Why did I take such a long vacation?" You say as you bury your face in your hands.

A couple of days go by, and you don't hear from Soap or Ghost. Alone in your house for these days have been sobering. Everything still hurts, but you just crave normality. Your phone chimes, it's from König:(Y/N), I understand and respect that you left. What I did was unforgivable. I hope you'll let me talk to you so I can properly explain myself. I don't expect my words to change anything. Maybe someday I will get to hear your voice again.

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